Psychological Support

hands holding a sillouette of a head with a heart for a brain

Our Goal

An institution free of stigma supports an environment where open discussion about mental health and mental illness is encouraged, and is supported by robust benefit plans as an investment in the health and well-being of our faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students.

  • We will continue to offer leading-edge services and benefits designed to address psychological and mental wellbeing.
  • Leaders demonstrate concern about people and are able to address and support them when distressed.
  • The institution recognizes the multiple roles and responsibilities individuals hold in their lives and supports the whole person in addressing issues. 
  • The workplace culture is respectful and supportive of those who are addressing mental health issues.

Learn about the National Standard – Psychological and Social Support

Call to Action

Faculties and departments will engage with members to ensure appropriate resources are made available to all, without stigma, and to provide assistance and accommodations facilitated by university stakeholders.

Faculty, staff and students will be encouraged to self-seek appropriate assistance and resources to maximize their own psychological health. 

Individuals are responsible for their own mental health and are encouraged to access the resources and benefits available to maximize their potential. 

All faculty and staff actively support, and are invested in, the health and well-being of their colleagues and the campus community.

This will be achieved through ongoing education and investment in mental health, and specifically through supporting people to prevent illness and reduce harm:

  • Organizational committees and campaigns (Suicide Prevention Framework, Days of Action).
  • Educating individuals (Mental Health First Aid, Town Halls, Gold College, etc).
  • Providing comprehensive and responsive benefits (supplementary benefits, psychological assistance programs).
  • Preventative plans and policies, including Sexual Violence Policy; Discrimination, Harassment, and Duty to Accommodate; Strategic Plan for Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity; Healthy University Strategic Plan; and Helping Individuals at Risk.

Institutional resources include but are not limited to:

For additional resources and learning opportunities related to this risk factor check out our support inventory.

Information directly modified from:  ,  and  .