Goethe Research Experience Program (GREP) Internship

Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Type of Internship: Research
Paid or Unpaid: Unpaid, funding/stipends available
Level: Undergraduate, Graduate

Program Overview

The Goethe Research Experience Program (GREP) offers the opportunity for advanced undergraduate and master students of high academic standing to gain cutting-edge research experience in one of Goethe University's multidisciplinary research profile areas. Students can benefit from individual supervision by excellent researchers, build their research network, and strengthen their academic and intercultural competencies through working and studying with professionals on a predetermined research project with the option to gain credits recognized towards the degree at their home university.

What the program has to offer:
  • Individual mentoring and supervision by excellent research professionals from GU
  • Free intensive German language course
  • Optional 3-week intensive German language course at the Goethe-Institute Frankfurt (online / face-to-face)
  • Participation in an exclusive orientation program, social events, and excursions in and around the city of Frankfurt
  • Fellowship and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) Certificate

Research Projects

At Goethe University, scientific excellence is concentrated in six , in which researchers from various disciplines and institutions collaborate in internationally competitive research projects. Interested students can choose to pursue an individual research visit within one of the designated research projects listed in the. 

When Can I Go?

Terms Offered: Spring/Summer 

Duration: 2 to 6 months

Eligibility Requirements

  • Nomination by a research supervisor at GU (find out more )
  • Bachelor or Master level student status at the time of application
  • GPA of 3.0 or above
  • Strong research interest matching the selected research project
  • Proof of previous research experience and/or relevant extracurricular activities


Application Deadlines + Instructions


  • January 15 for 2 to 3 months in Spring/Summer
  • October 15 for 4 to 6 months in Spring/Summer


1) Review the project database and email the contact person for the research project of interest to express your motivation for the project and request a supervisor 

2) Submit an application on

3) Once you've confirmed a supervisor for the research project, request that they nominate you for the GREP scholarship by emailing the GREP team directly

4) When the GREP team receives the supervisor nomination, they will email you a link to the GREP online application with instructions to create your mobility account. You will upload the following documents for the application:

  • Letter of motivation
  • CV/Resume
  • BA Certificate for MA students 
  • School leaving certificate for BA students (High School Diploma, A-Level (Secondary School), Baccalauréat (Lycée), Abitur, Matura)
  • Current Transcript of Records
  • Student Enrollment Certificate
  • photo

 Acceptance and scholarship confirmations are sent within 4-6 weeks.

Fees + Costs

  • Placement Fee: $250 


  • Accommodation in private student residence incl. full coverage of rent
  • Partial travel allowance (up to €1,000)
  • Free access to public transport and museums
  • Tuition waiver for university enrollment including access to campus networks
  • Coverage of health insurance for students who do not have the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
  • Personal advice on visa application, mandatory insurance, etc.

Students are encouraged to apply for funding even if they do not have a confirmed internship to avoid missing important deadlines.  

General fees and costs

Program Information + Contact

For all questions, email goabroad@ualberta.ca or connect with the International Outbound Internships Coordinator through in-person or virtual advising


Funding Opportunities 

Students receive on average between $1,400-$2,000 in funding.

Over 80% of students who apply get funding.

Education Abroad Awards