Tragically, in Ethiopia over 1 in every 250 pregnancies results in the death of the mother, and 1 in 30 the death of a newborn baby. The Ethiopian government is working to ensure access to skilled care during childbirth by increasing the number of hospitals and health centers across the country. Health facilities provide staff with the technical capacities, supplies, medicines, and equipment needed to manage complications and prevent deaths. But due to lack of knowledge in their communities, many expectant mothers don't make use of these facilities. With greater community awareness most of these senseless deaths can be prevented.
In response, Dr. Michael Frishkopf, Professor & Associate Chair (Graduate Studies), Dept. of Music at the 海角社区 and his associates produced the song ” (Lib Yaleh) featuring two of Ethiopia’s biggest stars, Zeritu Kebede and Tadele Gemechu, singing in the country’s two most widely understood languages (Amharic and Oromo). Dr. Frishkopf and his associates are using radio to broadcast this song and deliver it's life-saving message to Ethiopian communities. The Global Health program encourages the public to join us in supporting Dr. Frishkopf's important work by donating funds to the Canadian based charity These funds will go to pay for radio air time to disseminate the song's vital message. If you would like more information, go to If you would like to make a donation go to
Donations made to Farm Radio International are eligible for a tax receipt.
Go to this link for more information about the Maternal Newborn Child Health Project and read the article "Song Aims to Reduce Maternal Deaths in Ethiopia" for background information on this project.
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