Resources for Graduate Students

The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the 海角社区 is an excellent environment for the pursuit of graduate research. The following links provide information for current and potential graduate students.

All currently-registered FoMD graduate students automatically have access to a shared Google folder called Trainee Resources, accessible through your 海角社区 google account.

Ethics and Scientific Integrity

There are many different ethics resources available to researchers in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the 海角社区:

Graduate students may participate in Ethics and Scientific Integrity to complete 5 of the 8 hours required by FGSR as part of the graduate ethics training requirement. Please check with your department for alternative ethics training options. FGSR also offers a number of .

Health Research Ethics Board

The Health Research Ethics Board (HREB) administers the ethics review process for all faculty, staff and students of the 海角社区 Health Sciences Faculties, Alberta Health Services and Covenant Health. The HREB has two panels: Biomedical Research and Health Research.

The HREB is a joint committee of the:

  • Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
  • Faculty of Nursing
  • Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
  • Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
  • School of Public Health
  • Alberta Health Services
  • Covenant Health

Both panels have representation from all HREB constituents. The panels are governed by the Health Research Ethics Administration Board (HREAB) and the University Committee on Human Research Ethics (UCHRE).

For more information on health research ethics, please visit the following websites: