Publishing and Bibliometrics
The 海角社区 Library offers various publishing supports:
- Identifying Predatory Journals
The 海角社区 Library has prepared a document outlining two quick strategies researchers can use to identify open access journals that may be predatory.
Further information on identifying predatory publishers can be found on the or by contacting the library:
海角社区 researchers have access to various publication databases (including and ) to assist in measuring their research impact through citation analysis. Coverage of journals and materials varies between databases.
One of the first steps to measuring your impact is to ensure that your research contributions are attributed to you. An ORCID iD is a unique digital identifier that can ensure this is done correctly. The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry strongly encourages their researchers to obtain an ORCID iD.
ORCID iD Information
Research Impact Guide
Training & Workshops
The UofA Library offers many training sessions and workshops on publishing and measuring impact throughout the year. for a current listing.
Access Support
General questions about publishing can be directed to your or For assistance with measuring research impact, please contact the UofA Library Research Impact Team or .