
: Faculty Administration Resource Manager
  • FARM is the FoMD's human resource database. Visit FARM to learn more about your colleagues and their research in the faculty.
  • Learn more here!
IIQM: International Institute for Qualitative Methodology
  • IIQM has launched a new monthly event to connect qualitative researchers across campus.
Alberta Health Services Provincial Health System Access
  • HSA supports the administration of clinical research studies requiring access to the AHS' provincial data or network resources, administrative departments and/or operational areas.
: Strategic Clinical Networks (Alberta Health Services)
  • SCNs represent integrated teams across sixteen focused areas of health care that focus on leading and supporting evidence-based improvements.
PLP: Physician Learning Program
  • The PLP creates actionable clinical information and engages with physicians, teams, patients, and partners to co-create sustainable solutions to advance practice. They have expertise in understanding problems, advanced data analytics, human centred design, and implementation science, and are well-positioned to facilitate spread and scale of solutions throughout the medical community. PLP can also assist with knowledge transfer activities at the end of system-impacting grants.
  • For more information contact
CUP: Community-University Partnership
  • CUP is a unique collaboration among the 海角社区, community agencies, and organizations for the study of children, youth, and families.