A great year for MLCS - Celebration of Excellence Awards Night

16 May 2016

MLCS congratulates all the winners that were recognized for their achievements at the Faculty of Arts Celebration of Excellence Awards night on Thursday May 12, 2016.

We are particularly overjoyed to have several wonderful teachers, staff and students in MLCS recognized this year. Please join us in congratulating our MLCS winners:

Odile Cisneros, 2016 Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Teaching Award

Natalie Van Deusen, 2016 Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Teaching Award (Early Achievement)

Eva Glancy, 2016 Outstanding Student Service Award

Hansy Herrera, 2016 Graduate Student Teaching Award

Amir Khadem, 2016 Graduate Student Teaching Award

Svitlana Panenko, 2016 Graduate Student Teaching Award

Meagan Miller, 2016 Roger S. Smith Undergraduate Researcher Award

Bart Romanek, 2016 Roger S. Smith Undergraduate Researcher Award


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Top row left to right: Dean Lesley Cormack (left), Odile Cisneros (centre), MLCS Chair Laura Beard (right); Dean Lesley Cormack (left), Natalie Van Deusen (centre), MLCS Chair Laura Beard (right); Acting Vice Dean Stuart Landon (left), Eva Glancy (centre), Dean Lesley Cormack (right).

Bottom row left to right: Dean Lesley Cormack (left), Hansy Herrera (centre), MLCS Chair Laura Beard (right); Dean Lesley Cormack (left), Amir Khadem (centre), MLCS Chair Laura Beard (right); Dean Lesley Cormack (left), Svitlana Panenko (centre), MLCS Chair Laura Beard (right).