Major in Modern Languages + Cultural Studies
Bachelor of Arts
General Information
Final degree: Bachelor of Arts Major in Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
Extent: *120 Credits / *30 credits a year
Length of studies: 4 years
Language of instruction: English and various other languages (depending on focus)
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Department: Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
Application deadline: May 1 (See Faculty of Arts Admissions page)
At the end of the program, you will have the following skills:
- Language proficiency in (at least) one foreign language: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Arabic, American Sign Language, Irish
- Critical and Analytical Thinking
- Oral and Written Communication Skills
- Research Skills
- Cross-cultural knowledge
- Teamwork and Organizational Skills
You can evaluate and interpret linguistic and cultural production, such as:
- Literary texts
- Films
- Political and Historical documents
- Rituals
- Folkways
Integrate your language skills, cultural literacy and your knowledge from community-based learning to analyze diverse perspectives
Key benefits
You can choose your path! Create your individual course programme with only 9 credits in general requirements and 24 credit options with different areas of emphasis. You can choose between two routes: Language studies route or Cross-Cultural studies route
Routes special features:
- Experience abroad or in Francophone areas of Canada; OR
- Significant experiential learning components related to the language(s) studied or appropriate to the area of study.
You will formally select your chosen route no later than the end of the third year.
What can I do with a MLCS degree?
I could be a ... foreign service officer, translator, journalist, community outreach co-ordinator, project manager, language teacher, researcher.
or work in ... education, foreign service, business, translation, journalism, law, international organizations, tourism, government.
Enhance your degree
Add a certificate in:
- MLCS Certificate in Translation Studies,
- Computer Game Development,
- European Studies,
- International Learning,
- Community Engagement and Service-Learning.
- Central and East European Studies
- Italian Studies
- Polish
- Russian
- Ukrainian
- Comparative Literature