
Undergraduate Minors Header Image
Central/East European Studies

A minor in Central/East European Studies requires a minimum 15 units to a maximum of 42 units as specified below, including at least 6 units at the 300- or 400-level.

Required courses include:

6 units from:

  • one language at the senior level, selected from Polish, Russian or Ukrainian

9 units from:

  • HIST 310 - A History of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1526-1918
  • HIST 312 - Foundations of East European History
  • HIST 313 - Medieval and Early Imperial Russia
  • HIST 318 - Modern Ukraine
  • HIST 320 - Russia from Reform to Revolution, 1800-1917
  • HIST 322 - Russia in the 20th Century
  • HIST 416 - Topics in Eastern European History
  • HIST 419 - Topics in Soviet History
  • SLAV 204 - Slavic Folklore and Mythology
  • SLAV 222 - Euromaidan: Origins and Aftermath of the Ukrainian Revolution
  • SLAV 299 - Special Topics
  • SLAV 399 - Special Topics
  • SLAV 475 - Slavic Languages and Cultures in the Community
  • SLAV 499 - Special Topics
Comparative Literature (C LIT)

A minor in Comparative Literature requires at least 12 units in senior level courses with a minimum of 6 units at the 300 or 400-level in C LIT or approved cross-listed courses.

French (FREN)

A minor in French requires a minimum of 15 units to a maximum of 42 units at the senior level including at least 6 units in FREN at the 300- or 400-level.

Required courses:

  • FREN 301 - Introduction to French Literary Studies
  • 3 units in 300-level FREN
  • 3 units in 400-level FREN
German (GERM)

A minor in German requires a minimum of 12 units to a maximum of 42 units at the senior level in German including at least 6 units at the 300- or 400-level.

Required courses are:

  • GERM 342 - Introduction to Translation: German and English

6 units from:

  • GERM 340 - Introduction to the Study of Modern German Literature
  • GERM 343 - Postwar Cultures
  • GERM 353 - Myths, Tales, and Legends

3 units from: 

  • GERM 306 - German/English Phonetics and Phonology
  • GERM 316 - Introduction to German Applied Linguistics
  • GERM 317 - Teaching German as a Foreign Language
Italian Studies (ITAL)

A minor in Italian Studies requires a minimum of 15 units to a maximum of 42 units at the senior level, including at least 6 units at the 300- or 400-level.

Required courses are:

  • ITAL 211 - Intermediate Italian I
  • ITAL 212 - Intermediate Italian II
  • ITAL 299 - Special Topics
Latin American Studies (LA ST)

A minor in Latin American Studies requires a minimum of 18 units to a maximum of 42 units in LA ST or cross-listed Latin American Studies courses at the senior level.

Required courses include:

  • LA ST 205 - Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean
  • LA ST 210 - South America
  • 12 units in additional senior-level LA ST or cross-listed LA ST courses, which must include 3 units in LA ST at the 300-level or above and at least an additional 3 units in LA ST courses at the 400-level.


  1. A minor in Latin American Studies may be combined with a major in Spanish.
  2. See for regulations concerning cross-listed courses.
  3. Variable Content/Selected Topics Courses: Courses with variable content may, on approval of the Department Advisor may be used for credit when they have appropriate subject matter. Please consult the Spanish & Latin American Studies Advisor and/or the LA ST Course Guide for a current list of approved courses and further details.
Polish (POLSH)

A minor in Polish requires a minimum of 12 units to a maximum of 42 units at the senior level, including at least 6 units at the 300- or 400-level.

Required courses:

  • 6 units in senior-level language courses
  • 6 units at the 300- or 400-level in POLSH or SLAV
Russian (RUSS)

A minor in Russian requires a minimum of 12 units to a maximum of 42 units at the senior level, including at least 6 units at the 300- or 400-level.

Required courses:

  • 6 units in senior-level language courses
  • 6 units at the 300- or 400-level in RUSS or SLAV
Scandinavian (SCAND)

A minor in Scandinavian requires a minimum of 12 units to a maximum of 42 units at the senior level, including at least 6 units at the 300- or 400-level.

Required courses:

  • 6 units in one language at the senior level, selected from Norwegian or Swedish
  • 6 units at the 300- or 400-level in SCAND
Spanish (SPAN)

A minor in Spanish requires a minimum of 15 units to a maximum of 42 units at the senior level, including 3 units at the 400-level.

Ukrainian (UKR)

A minor in Ukrainian requires a minimum of 12 units to a maximum of 42 units at the senior level, including at least 6 units at the 300- or 400-level.

Required courses:

  • 6 units in senior-level language courses
  • 6 units at the 300- or 400-level in UKR or SLAV
Ukrainian Folklore (FOLK)

A minor in Ukrainian Folklore requires a minimum of 12 units to a maximum of 42 units at the senior level, including at least 6 units at the 300- or 400-level.

Required courses:

  • 6 units in senior-level language courses
  • 6 units at the 300- or 400-level in SLAV or FOLK