Visiting Scholars


Dr. Xingang Qi
Visiting Professor
(October 2024 – April 2025)

Dr. Xingang Qi is currently a Senior Lecturer of the Foreign Studies College at Hunan Normal University, and a postdoctoral fellow guest at the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies, UA. He also serves as secretary of the Center for Cognitive Science, Hunan Normal University. He received his Ph.D. from Hunan Normal University in 2023, with his dissertation exploring the diachronic changes of passive constructions in English and Chinese. His research interests mainly include cognitive grammar, diachronic studies of English and Chinese, and EAP.


Dr. Timur Mukhamatulin
Stuart Ramsay Tompkins Visiting Professor
(Sep 2024 – May 2025)

Timur Mukhamatulin received his Ph.D. from Rutgers University in 2023. He is a co-author of the book Sovetskii Sport v Kontekstakh Holodnoi Voiny [Soviet Sports in Cold War Context], published in Russian in 2023.

His research interests focus on the histories of Soviet sports, Soviet gender order, and Soviet subjectivity. His dissertation covers the history of Soviet women’s gymnastics. He is currently working on turning his dissertation into a book.

Dr. Yang Yang
Visiting Professor
(February to August 2025)

Yang Yang (male), Ph.D., is an associate professor and the former chair of the French Department at the Foreign Studies College, Hunan Normal University. He serves as a committee member of the National Higher Education Examination French Language Subject Expert Committee, a council member of the French Literature Research Association, and a council member of the Chinese French Teaching Research Association. He holds a master's degree in Applied Foreign Languages (Langues étrangères appliquées) from the University of Lyon, France, and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and World Literature from Hunan Normal University. He has conducted research visits at the University of Angers, the University of Tours, and the Cavilam (Centre Audio-Visuel de Langues Modernes) in France. His research areas include literary translation, French literature, and comparative literature. He has led two National Social Science Fund projects and multiple provincial-level research projects. He is the head of the French Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base in Hunan Province. He has published two academic monographs on French literature studies and over twenty academic papers. He has translated and published several books such as Youthful Years in Montargis (French edition) and served as an accompanying French interpreter for several heads of state and political figures, including the President of the Republic of the Congo, the President of the Republic of Burundi, the Prime Minister of the Central African Republic, etc.

Former Visiting Scholars


Dr. Claire F. Fox, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in the Arts and Humanities (August-December 2024)
Dr. Yong Qin - Visiting Professor (July-December 2024)
Wenjiao Li - Academic Visitor (Jan - July 2024)


Dr. Yolanda Natalia Alvarez Gomez - Academic Visitor (2023)
Hislla S. M. Ramalho - Academic Visitor (2023-2024)


Dr. Alex Averbuch - Postdoctoral Fellow (2022-2023)
Dr. Magdalena Kaltseis - Postdoctoral Fellow (2022)
Dr. Lisa Ortiz-Vilarelle - Fulbright Scholar (2022)


Dr. Maxime Bock - Postdoctoral Fellow (2021-2022)
Dr. Bettina Egger - Austrian Visiting Professor (2021-2023)


Dr. Florian Mundhenke - DAAD Visiting Associate Professor (2020-2023)


Dr. Maria Mayerchyk - Huculak Research Felow (2019-2020)
Dr. Iryna Skubii - Stuart Ramsay Tompkins Visiting Professorship (2019-2020)
Dr. Wolfgang Stadler - University of Innsbruck (Austria) - September 2019
Dr. Yanyu Zeng - Hunan Normal University, China - November 2019
Dr. Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez - Visiting Professor (October 2019-March 2020)


Dr. Tatiana Saburova - Stuart Ramsay Tompkins Visiting Professorship (2018-2019)
Anna Seidel - DAAD German Academic Exchange Service research; Graduate Academy of TU Dresden
Marianna Novosolova - DAAD German Academic Exchange Service/ research
Dr. Paulo Andrade - Brazilian Visiting Scholar