Congratulations to our Faculty of Arts 2024 Celebration of Excellence award winners

17 September 2024

So proud of our MLCS award winners at the Faculty of Arts 2024 Celebration of Excellence:

Graduate Student Teaching Award
Malou Brouwer
Lisa Lawrence

Community Service Learning (CSL) Instructor Teaching Award
Odile Cisneros

Undergraduate Teaching Award (Early Achievement)
Simone Pfleger (Women's and Gender Studies/ MLCS)

Faculty of Arts Unit Teaching Award
The Language Coordinators Committee
Patrizia Bettella (Italian)
John Eason III (Scandinavian)
Xavier Gutiérrez (Spanish)
Claudia Kost (German)
Elisabeth Le (French)
Mathieu Martin-Leblanc (French)
Iman Mersal (Arabic)
Alla Nedashkivska (Slavic)
Crystal Sawatzky (German)

GSA Principal Instructor Teaching Award
Dominika Tabor

Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship - 2023
Mackenzie Gordon

海角社区 Wellness Champion
Natalie Van Deusen

James Tait Black Prize for Biography
Iman Mersal

2024-25 Fellow at the Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers
Iman Mersal