Convocation Spotlight: Alexandra Stasiw
21 November 2024

Alexandra Stasiw
When Alexandra Stasiw was a child, her mother would come home from work and share stories from her shifts. A nurse for more than 25 years, she inspired Stasiw with her kindness, empathy and ability to make someone’s day just a little better. Stasiw remembers being amazed at how many lives her mother changed through her work and today, as a new graduate with a BScN, she hopes to make her proud by forging her own career helping others.
Stasiw shares her pride in graduating, her gratitude for her support network and advice to others looking to a future in nursing.
What are you most proud of from your time in the program?
I think my biggest accomplishment was completing the nursing program and graduating! Looking back, I've been able to see just how much I have grown as a nurse and as a person throughout this program, and I am so proud of myself for making it this far. Nursing school throws a lot at you and at times it feels like the day will never end. But I am so thankful for everything I have learned, the friends I have made and the people who supported me along the way. Being able to say I am a registered nurse still feels surreal and if you had told me five years ago that this is where I would be today, I wouldn't have believed you. Now that I am here, I truly couldn't see myself doing anything else.
How did you stay motivated when things got tough?
I was fortunate to find a wonderful group of friends who always pushed me and believed in me when I struggled to find confidence in myself. We worked side by side to tackle the challenges that nursing school throws at you and we did it with grace, laughter, LOTS of Tim Hortons and maybe even a few tears. My friends challenged my critical thinking, supported me during hard clinical days and always reinforced that I was made to be a nurse. I don't think I could've made it through this program without their unconditional love and support.
What were your go-to spots on campus?
My go-to spot on campus was the second floor of the Katz building where all the comfy chairs are. It was a great spot for long school days, provided lots of natural light and, of course, Tim Hortons is just downstairs for when I needed a little treat (which was multiple times a day).
What advice would you give to a student thinking of entering nursing?
Be kind to yourself and cherish the little moments. As a nursing student, it’s so easy to become hyper-focused on mastering a clinical skill or stressing about the due date of the next assignment, but time goes by fast and soon you will wonder why you were ever stressing about it. Make memories with friends, get involved in tricky clinical scenarios and, most important, be your own biggest cheerleader. There are going to be times when you feel like you didn't do enough or you could've done better, but remind yourself of how far you have come.
What comes next for you?
After finishing school, I was fortunate to be offered a position in the general systems intensive care unit. I am currently working there full time and am learning the ropes of high-intensity critical care. So far I love the work that I do; I truly feel like I am making a difference. In the future I hope to go back to school to become a nurse practitioner, but for now I am focused on developing as a new nurse.