2015 International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame ceremony

Dr. Cummings is now part of the STTI's International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame.

7 August 2015



The Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) 26th International Nursing Research Congress brought together a variety of nursing leaders to celebrate the achievements of its members. The International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame induction ceremony for their improvements of the nursing profession and the quality of care it delivers.

Above: STTI President Hester C. Klopper and Dr. Greta Cummings at the International Researcher Hall of Fame presentation

Dr. Cummings also lead a plenary session on Using Mentorship and Coaching to Develop Nurse Leaders. As the closing plenary speaker, she highlighted the importance of leadership practices in improving outcomes for patients and providers.


"Leadership is being able to see the
present for what itreallyis, see the future for what itcouldbe, and takingactionto close the gap."


Congratulations, Dr. Cummings, on your induction into the International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame!

For more information on the conference, please refer to