New CLEAR Publication

Impact of Role Stressors on the Health of Nurse Managers: A Western Canadian Context

28 February 2017

Impact of Role Stressors on the Health of Nurse Managers: A Western Canadian Context

Sonia Udod, Greta G. Cummings, W. Dean Care, Megan Jenkins

Journal of Nursing Administration. 47(3), March 2017, 159-164. doi:10.1097/NNA.0000000000000459



A qualitative exploratory inquiry was used to understand nurse managers' (NMs') perceptions of their role stressors, coping strategies, and self-health related outcomes as a result of frequent exposure to stressful situations in their role.


Strong nursing leadership is required for desirable staff, patient, and organizational outcomes. A stressed NM will negatively influence staff nurse satisfaction and retention, patient outcomes, and organizational performance. Stress can affect NMs' mental and physical heath, leading to job dissatisfaction and turnover.


A qualitative exploratory inquiry was conducted using semistructured interviews with 23 NMs and 1 focus group interview.


Findings suggest that coping strategies may be inadequate, given the intensity and demands of the manager role, and could negatively impact NMs' long-term health.


Senior nurse leaders can significantly impact the health and productivity of NMs by minimizing the adverse effects of role stress and foster a positive work environment.