Enforcing Regulations

Parking Services enforces 海角社区's traffic and parking regulations by issuing violators parking tickets or towing vehicles.

Information Gathering


In accordance with legislation in Alberta, the Registrar of Motor Vehicles Services may release the name and address of the owner of any motor vehicle parked without payment of the required fee in accordance with the instructions posted in any parking area.

Video monitoring

Video monitoring is used on the 海角社区 campus for the purposes of public safety, security of property, the maintenance of public order, deterrence, detection and prevention of crime, law enforcement and law enforcement regulations.

The personal information collected through this video monitoring is collected under the authority of Section 33 (b) and (c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be protected under part 2 of that Act.

Please direct any question about this collection to the FOIP Liaison Office at the 海角社区 Protective Services at 780-492-5050. You can also visit the Information and Privacy Office.

Vehicle Towing

Vehicles we consistently find in violation of university parking regulations will be added to our tow-away list. Vehicles on our tow-away list are subject to being towed from university property at any time-whether or not a parking payment has been made. Any other vehicles that belong to the same owner or operator are also subject to be towed from university property.

We will not remove a vehicle from our tow-away list until all fines for related violations are paid in full.

Parking Services has two tow providers, and For information on recovering your vehicle, please contact Parking Dispatch at 780 492 5533 from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. To obtain information after hours, please contact the tow providers directly.

Student Encumbrances

The university reserves the right to withhold grades or transcripts, or to deny registration or access to registration materials for students with outstanding traffic or parking fines. We will remove encumbrances within one hour of fine payment.

Parking Permit Purchase/Renewal

All citations must be paid prior to issuance of any parking permit(s).