Parking Permits

Students, faculty and staff who use their own vehicle to commute to and from the university may purchase a parking permit from Parking Services. We offer many permit and payment options to suit your parking needs. Parking permits are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Types of Permits

Permit Payment

Parking Services offers many payment options for your parking permit, including:

  • Monthly bank withdrawal
  • Monthly credit card payment (VISA, MasterCard or American Express)
  • Lump sum payment (full annual rate or remaining balance) by debit, credit card, cash, cheque or money order
  • Payroll deduction (for full-time, continuing staff members only)

Permit Wait Lists

There are a limited number of parking permits available on campus. If there are no permits available for your desired car park or lot, you can join our wait list. Parking Services will contact you when space becomes available.

Afternoon Permits

Afternoon permits are valid weekdays from 2:30 p.m. to 7 a.m., and all hours on weekends and statutory holidays in Lots L and U, Stadium Car Park, and Windsor Car Park.