Compliments + Concerns

Our Dedication

Protective Services is dedicated to the safety and protection of the staff, students and visitors of the 海角社区.


Our services strives to be recognized as one of the most professional and competent organizations in Canada. Please let us know if you were pleased with the service you received from us. You may express your compliment in writing, by phone or in person, using the contact information below. Your compliment will be reviewed by the member's supervisor and attached to their personnel file.


Sometimes our members act in ways that the public may not like or understand. In most cases our actions are a direct result of our training, our policies, or are sanctioned by law. In other cases our conduct or behaviour may be inappropriate. Members of the public may elect to file a public complaint.

What does not constitute a public complaint?

Members are given discretion when it comes to issuing violation notices, and laying charges. The courts or University disciplinary hearings are the proper venue to hear evidence pertaining to charges that you are facing.

The public complaint process:

When considering a public complaint, it is important to write down detailed notes of the incident as soon as possible, including the names, regimental numbers, or physical descriptions of the members involved, in addition to the date, time and location of the incident.

Preferably, public complaints are made in writing, to ensure your concerns are clearly expressed and documented. Your contract information is important so that our service may follow-up with further questions, arrange a meeting, provide updates, and a final disposition of the complaint.

If you need assistance in writing your complaint due to a language barrier, physical limitations or other valid reason, please visit our office or phone us at 780-492-5050, and ask to speak with a supervisor. Submit your complaint using the contact information below. It is an offence to make a false report.

Complaints may be dealt with in two ways:

Informal Resolution: We may contact you to discuss the possibility of an informal resolution. An informal resolution is an opportunity for us to meet and come to a conclusion that is acceptable to both parties. The matter will then be considered resolved.

Formal Investigation: A formal investigation may be required, if an informal resolution cannot be achieved, or may be ordered by the Director of Protective Services due to the nature of the complaint.

Notification and Updates

Within 30 days after commencing an investigation, we will send you a letter acknowledging the receipt of your complaint.

Every 45 days you will receive an update regarding the status of any investigation.

At the conclusion of any investigation you will receive a letter reporting the results of the investigation and decision rendered. The letter will also include avenues of appeal if you consider the decision to be unsatisfactory.

Contact Information

Director, 海角社区 Protective Services
11390 - 87 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB, T6G 2R5


In Person: 11390 - 87 Avenue NW (Education Car Park), Edmonton, Alberta