Lone Worker Program

The Lone Worker Service was initiated and is provided by the 海角社区 Protective Services to enhance your personal safety while working or studying alone. The Service is available to everyone in the 海角社区 community during the quiet hours of the evening, weekends and statutory holidays.

Service hours

  • Monday to Friday - 10:00 pm to 7:00 am
  • 24 hours during weekends and statutory holidays

How does it work?

Services provided to registered participants

A peace Officer will visit or telephone you during the period you request. In the event of an emergency in your area, Protective Services will contact you and will advise you on the appropriate procedures to follow. If we are unable to contact you between the designated times, then follow up procedures will be initiated, including immediate investigation of your work site. If we are unable to locate you, then your emergency contact person will be notified.

How to use the Lone Worker Service

Members of the UofA community may call Protective Services at 780-492-5050.

When you call please provide

  • Your name
  • Exact location
  • Telephone number for your workplace
  • Emergency contact name and telephone number (optional)
  • Your estimated time of departure

Change + Cancel

Please contact our service if there are any changes or if you would like to cancel your booking. For example, you decide to leave early or leave to work in a different area or building. Separate registration is required each time you wish to use this service.

If you require an escort

You may contact the Students' Union Safewalk Service during their hours of operation at 780-4WALKME. When Safewalk is closed, please contact our service at 780-492-5050.

Plan ahead

  • When possible, plan to work with a colleague or carry a cell phone.
  • Close and lock doors after normal hours. Plan your emergency exits; know about safe places to go to in your work place.
  • Do you know the locations of Emergency Phones and telephones, and how to call Protective Services for help?
  • Think ahead about how you would respond to various situations if confronted by a suspicious person or if you receive an unwanted telephone call.
  • If your work takes you to new or different settings, be alert and make mental notes of your surroundings when you arrive.
  • If you are in a place where you feel uneasy, phone Protective Services and advise of your location.

Trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable while working alone, don't hesitate to call us and ask us to visit your workplace.

Workplace Actions

  • You can reduce the risk by being mindful of persons loitering near your workplace.
  • Notify Protective Services immediately if you receive harassing or threatening telephone calls.
  • Provide a description of the person calling and the nature of the unwanted call.
  • If you feel uncomfortable after a person enters your workplace, look directly at the person and ask them "May I help you?".
  • If required, call us at 492-5050 for immediate assistance.

Working Alone Protocol

The 海角社区 Working Alone Protocol exists to ensure, as far as is reasonably possible, the health and safety of staff, faculty and students who work alone and is in compliance with the current Alberta Human Resources and Employment, Workplace Health and Safety, Working Alone legislation. The Office of Environment, Health and Safety can provide advice regarding the need for development of the protocol for tasks that involve people working alone.

We suggest using the created by Environmental Health and Safety.

Please also refer to the created by Environmental Health and Safety.