PhD Programs

100% of our PhD graduates have found either full- or part-time employment.

Are you a critical thinker with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge?

Do you have an intellectual curiosity that fuels your passion to ask questions and to understand the "whys" and "hows" related to improving some aspect of the health of populations?

The application period for fall 2025 admission is Oct. 1, 2024 to Jan. 31, 2025. 

Office of Educational Programs Contact

P: 780-492-8211 | F: 780-492-0364 | E:

Scholarships and Awards

We want to recruit the brightest and the best. Learn about recruitment scholarships available exclusively to applicants to our PhD programs.

Find out more about scholarships, awards and assistance for students.

Academic Leaders

Susan Chatwood

Work with talented professors recognized for their innovative public health research.

Learn about their research interests.

Award-winning Students

Doctoral students in the School of Public Health have been very successful in competing for and winning many impressive awards.

Meet Heather Morris and Alexa Ferdinands Killam Graduate Scholars, and Holly Mathias 2021 Vanier Scholarship recipient.

Plan Your Program

PhD Specializations

Choose from four specializations to increase your ability to generate new knowledge in the field of public health:

Course Layout

The Course Layout summarizes all of the course requirements, including core courses, specialization courses and electives.

Program Sequence

The Program Sequence summarizes all of the degree requirements, including courses, professional development, ethics training, examinations and thesis research. It is the recommended model for the timing of degree requirements; timing may differ by student, however, so final planning decisions should be discussed with thesis supervisor.

Course Registration

You can find out when our courses are offered and/or register (if space available) using .

Not enrolled in our programs?

Graduate-level students who are not enrolled in a program* offered by the School may register in our courses if space is available and if course requirements are met. For these individuals, registration opens:

  • After Aug. 20 for fall term
  • After Dec. 22 for winter term
  • After Apr. 17 for spring term
  • After June 19 for summer term

*If you are not currently registered in another program at the 海角社区, it is possible to take courses as an Open Studies student or through the Western Deans' Agreement.