Research Expertise
At the School of Public Health, our researchers engage in both curiosity-driven and community-driven inquiry, and are committed to productive knowledge exchange. Each one has research expertise within the broad field of public health.
Using keywords, the table below summarizes the research interests of each faculty member. To learn more about each faculty member, click on their name to view their profile.
Name | Research Interests |
sustainable community development, regenerative and equitable place-based agri-food systems, food sovereignty, scholarship of engagement, social economy, communities of practice, interdisciplinary research, experiential learning | |
circumpolar health, health systems , health systems stewardship, determinants of health and wellness in the Arctic, mixed methods and community based research | |
bioinformatics, biological pathways, biostatistics, DNA microarray, gene set analysis, genomic, proteomic, Metabolomic studies, statistical genetics | |
Eurich, Dean |
diabetes, health outcomes, morbidity, mortality, pneumonia, chronic disease, epidemiology, health systems and services, pharmacoepidemiology, drug use and drug policy, aboriginal health |
Francescutti, Louis |
governance, injury, knowledge translation, media advocacy, policy development, public health communication, quality control, disaster medicine, emergency medicine, preventative medicine, palliative care |
Gokiert, Rebecca | early childhood development, program planning and evaluation, mixed methods, community-based participatory research, measurement, child health |
Hanington, Patrick | biological hazards, environmental health, global health, immunology, infectious disease, parasitology, schistosomiasis |
Harper, Sherilee | climate change and health, climate change adaptation, Indigenous peoples' health, community-led research, community-led participatory research, social and environmental epidemiology, mixed research methods, Inuit Nunangat, Uganda, Peru |
Hodgins, Stephen | maternal-newborn-child health, private sector service providers, community health workers, "scale-up" |
Hyshka, Elaine | health services and systems research, drug and alcohol policy, substance use services, harm reduction, program evaluation, engaged scholarship, structural vulnerability, health equity |
Jhangri, Gian | biostatistics, design and analysis of clinical trials, occupational cancer case-control studies, statistical/epidemiological methods, longitudinal analyses, mixed-effect modeling, generalized linear modeling, survival analysis |
Johnson, Jeff | diabetes, epidemiology, health economics, health outcomes, health services, HRQL and population health, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology |
Mayan, Maria |
community-based participatory research, qualitative methodology, poverty, knowledge mobilization |
Menon, Dev |
health technology assessment, social values in health care, resource allocation decision-making, technology adoption |
Montesanti, Stephanie |
health policy intervention and analysis, systems thinking, patient, public and community engagement, primary health care delivery for vulnerable populations, knowledge exchange and research use in health policy decisions, Indigenous health, women's health promotion, health equity |
Mumtaz, Zubia |
global health, reproductive and maternal health, gender and class inequities, social determinants of health, health systems and maternal health policy, community health workers and midwives, quantitative, qualitative research methods, mixed methods research |
Neumann, Norm | environment, drinking water, molecular epidemiology, pollution, prions, source tracking, waterborne pathogens |
Nykiforuk, Candace |
chronic disease prevention, community-based research, community environment, health geography, health promotion, healthy public policy, knowledge exchange, financial wellbeing, mixed methods research, natural experiments, health equity, social determinants of health |
Ohinmaa, Arto | economic evaluation, cost projections, economics of public health, health economics, health-related quality of life, health technology assessment, telemedicine and telehealth |
Healthy and sustainable communities, community-based and health promotion research, community engagement in food security initiatives and leadership and professional skills in public health practice | |
Otto, Simon | One Health epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance; Integrated One Health - surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and use and diagnostic testing to inform antimicrobial stewardship |
Pabayo, Roman | social epidemiology, social determinants of health, social and health inequalities, social-economic contextual factors, neighborhoods |
economic evaluation, health economics, equity, pharmacoeconomics, health technology assessment | |
Raine, Kim | community health, health promotion, nutrition, obesity, policy, public health, qualitative research |
Senthilselvan, Sentil | analysis of survival data, clustered data, longitudinal and multilevel data, asthma epidemiology, biostatistics, genetic epidemiology, health of agricultural workers, latent class models, random effects models |
Spitzer, Denise | migration, intersectionality, global health, participatory research, qualitative research, visual storytelling, impact of neoliberal globalization and policies on health and well-being |
Storey, Kate |
chronic disease prevention, community-based research, health promotion, implementation science, child health, knowledge translation, nutrition, obesity, public health, qualitative methods, school health |
Veugelers, Paul | childhood obesity, epidemiology, health policy, nutrition, population-based research, public health, school health |
Voaklander, Donald |
Injury prevention |
Wild, Cam | addictions research, mental health research, etiology, prevention and treatment, problem drinking, injection drug use, smoking, comorbid addictions, mental disorders, treatment systems, social policy |
Yamamoto, Shelby |
climate change, environmental health, epidemiology, infectious disease, vulnerable populations |
Yanow, Stephanie | diagnosis, drug resistance, host: parasite interactions, infectious disease, molecular biology, malaria, parasitology, pregnancy, public health |
Yasui, Yutaka | genetics, bioinformatics, biomarkers, biostatistics, cancer epidemiology, cancer survivorship, childhood cancer, epidemiologic methods, health inequality, public health |
Yuan, Yan | prediction performance evaluation, prediction algorithms, brain tumour epidemiology and surveillance, cancer survivorship, Childhood/AYA cancer, health services |