Volunteer and Internship Opportunities

For 海角社区 and high school students interested in working in research or industry, the Faculty of Science offers several programs to experience science beyond the classroom.

Volunteer Opportunities

Dino Lab Volunteer Program

The Dino Lab provides volunteers the necessary skills and techniques of proper paleontological preparation and conservation and fosters an interest in paleontology and gerontological research.

Internship Opportunities

Faculty of Science Student Internship Program

The Science Internship Program integrates undergraduate university studies and relevant work experiences through 4, 8, 12 or 16-month paid internships.

Department of Computing Science High School Internship Program

Do you love computing and want to learn more about it as a career? Are you an high school student in grades 11 or 12? Would you like to earn real money over your summer break? The Computing Science High School Internship Program (HIP) is a great way to learn about computing, make new friends and earn money. Plus you'll have a great job to include on your resume.

WISEST Summer Research Program

The WISEST Summer Research Program provides an awesome opportunity for young women and young men who have completed Grade 11 to gain first hand information about the diverse fields in science, engineering and technology disciplines! Participants' work as paid research assistants on a project in an area that is less-traditional for their gender for six weeks in July and August. The young women do research in the Faculties of Engineering and/or Science, and the young men are placed in the Faculty of Nursing and/or the Departments of Human Ecology and Nutrition. Participation in this program helps students broaden their awareness of career opportunities and encourages them to explore a future in science, engineering and technology fields.