CCIS Digital Signage (SciTV)
SciTV is the digital signage broadcast in public areas of the Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science (CCIS). This system provides an opportunity to communicate science events, services and news to Faculty of Science students, faculty, staff, alumni and visitors.
Disclaimer: To optimize the management of digital signage content, the Faculty of Science reserves the right to determine which groups, what content, the duration, dates and times of broadcasting. Content that violates SciTV policy or does not meet the minimum technical requirements will not be approved for display.
Submission Procedure:
Submit your slide as a PNG file attachment to Please ensure that the file adheres to the technical checklist below or it may not be posted.
Technical Checklist:
- 1920 x 1080 x 60dpi image file in PNG format (JPEG files will also be accepted, but may not display optimally on our monitors)
- File is named according to mandatory naming convention:
Expiration Date YYYY_ MM_ DD _Slide title_ Name of department or group
Example: 2012_04_28_RU Lemieux Lecture on Biotechnology_Dept of Chemistry
Submission Deadlines and Restrictions
- Updates are made once per week on Wednesdays
- Submissions must be received by email by 12:00pm the Friday prior (to
- Please use the subject line "SciTV Submission" in your email
- Approved postings will run until the expiration date specified in the slide filename
- Posts for scheduled events can run for a maximum of 4 weeks before the event date
- Postings will be displayed on all SciTV screens. Individual screens cannot be selected or excluded
- Please note the Faculty of Science reserves the right to decide what is appropriate for posting and where a posting will appear in the rotation
- This service is provided without charge and without guarantee
- Questions should be addressed to (they will be answered once a week on Wednesdays)
- Student groups are permitted to display a maximum of four advertisements through SciTV per month
How to create your slide for SciTV in Windows Powerpoint 2010
1.) To create slides in PowerPoint 2010 for Windows select new file.
- Once the new file is open navigate to the Design tab in the tool bar
- Select the Page set-up toolbox
- Check the orientation option to Landscape
- In the menu titled Slides sized for, select On- screen show 16:9 from the drop down menu
- Enter the width as 13.33 inches
- And height as 7.5 inches
- Select OK
To save slides as PNGs in PowerPoint 2010 for Windows:
- Go to the file tab
- Select Save as
- In the under the Type dropdown menu
- Select PNG Portable Network Graphics Format
- Name the file according to naming convention (below)
- Select Save
2.) Save slide using the following naming convention (this must be used for all submissions)
Expiration Date YYYY_ MM_ DD _Slide title_ Name of department or group
Example: 2012_04_28_RU Lemieux Lecture on Biotechnology_Dept of Chemistry
This shows this posting expires on March 28, 2012, is titled RU Lemieux Lecture on Biotechnology, was submitted by the Department of Chemistry.
3.) Send slide to with "SciTV Submission" in the subject line along with a contact name and phone number.
Design Considerations
- Each slide in our show will display for 10 seconds with a 1-2 second transition between slides.
- Text should be kept to a minimum: 30 words or less.
- Provide a URL website address, phone number or email address for more information, instead of trying to list all the details on the slide.
- The use of solid red backgrounds on slides is reserved for Faculty of Science and 海角社区 emergency communications only. Slides submitted with a solid red background will not be accepted.
- Recommended Type Sizes:
Headlines: 44 to 60 points
Body Copy: 20-24 points
URL/Call to Action: 30 points
Please email with any questions or inquiries.