
The most visible demonstration of the value of the intellectual capital created by the Faculty of Science faculty, staff, and students is in spinoff companies. These companies create employment, attract investment, and provide economic return to Edmonton and Alberta.

Company Name

Creation Date




Antibiddies Technology Inc. 2019 Novel Antiviral compounds for RSV and Zika Virus and their modular synthesis. Frederick West David Marchant
(780) 492-3119
2016 Designs and manufactures high-performance silicon-germanium and carbon-based nanomaterials. AQM's manufacturing methods assures economies of scale and product uniformity. Jon Veinot David Antoniuk
(780) 554-7398
Avra Software Lab Inc. 1998 Commercialize computer & software services. Provides a mechanism for commercializing technologies discovered & developed by Software Engineering. H. Jim Hoover H. Jim Hoover
(780) 492-5290
1998 species-specific probiotics John Vederas and Lynn McMullen

John Vederas (jvederas@ualberta.ca)

Dark Matter Materials 2022 Production of graphenes, carbon quantum dots, and carbon fibres from bitumen, "blue hydrogen" coke, and lignin Jeff Stryker and Robin Hamilton

Jeff Stryker (jstryker@ualberta.ca)

2000 DriveABLE's innovative technology can help quickly and accurately in determining the driving competence of medically at-risk drivers. Allen Dobbs Barbara Carstensen
(780) 433-1494
2006 A comprehensive, free-to-access, online database containing information on drugs and drug targets. David Wishart

Michael Wilson (info@drugbank.com)

FastTrack Technologies Inc./ Random Knowledge, Inc. 2003 Mathematical filtering of incomplete information for predictive purposes in fraud detection, network security and investing. Mike Kouritzin Michael Kouritzin
(780) 428-9218
Firefly Imaging Solutions Inc 2020 Microseismic software and data processing services for the hydrocarbon Industry Mirko van der Baan

Mirko van der Baan  (mirko.vanderbaan@ualberta.ca)

1963 Organic chemicals, pharmaceutical products
(Amalgamated: Nov. 3/2006)

Matt Colomb
(780) 468-6060

2017 Grayflare currently sells laboratory-tested optical blackout and laser barrier solutions for laboratory, research and other applications, and is expanding into imaging spectroscopy. Grayflare also provides optics consulting and design. Al Meldrum

Al Meldrum

2003 This business is focused on providing service to the oil and gas industry in the analysis of water samples from oil wells. Ben Rostron Benjamin Rostron
(780) 433-3699
L&R Wang Enterprises Ltd. 1990 Producers of Access Fat Conversion Activity Bar. Lawrence Wang
(780) 492-4402
Metabolomics Innovations Inc 2020 Developing novel quantitative metabolomics technologies and provide consulting services in the field of metabolomics. David Wishart Jen Reid (jreid3@ualberta.ca)
Metabolomix Inc 2019 Manufacturing Metabolomics Kits David Wishart

Galina Durant (gdurant@ualberta.ca)

MetaSci 2017 Providing high quality libraries of small molecule compounds for various research application. David Wishart Reza Jafari (info@metasci.ca)
Provides in-depth molecular- level health insights. David Wishart
2018 We are designing novel systems for: early disease diagnosis (biosensing); light filtration and manipulation (photonic materials); controlled/triggered drug delivery; water remediation/waste reclamation; and antibacterial coatings. Michael Serpe

Michael Serpe                            (780) 492-5778

2020 Naiad Lab is a technology company specializing in AI, Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL) for healthcare needs. Our products provide AI & ML based solutions to problems affecting healthcare in the modern world. Naiad Lab provides AI-based cloud services that detect abnormalities in medical tests and automating diagnoses. Pierre Boulanger

Esmat Naikyar (enaikyar@naiadlab.com)

2020 Design and production of high-performance batteries Jillian Buriak

Jillian Buriak (jburiak@ualberta.ca)

Nova Medical Testing 2017 Liang Li
2014 Onlea is a not-for-profit company producing flexible, mobile-friendly, interactive learning courses, educational experiences, and assessment solutions. Jonathan Schaeffer Jennifer Schaeffer
(780) 675-6100
1984 Applies scientific expertise in toxicology, genetics, clinical biochemistry and microbiology to environmental and human health applications. Ram D. Mehta
(780) 450-3957
2018 Apelin Peptide Analogues and uses therof. PEARKO Therapeutics seeks to provide pharmacological therapies to patients with cardiovascular disease through innovative technologies. We aim to improve patient quality of life, condition management, and prevent future adverse events with our medical innovations. John Vederas Dr. Gavin Y. Oudit
(780) 407-8569
2013 PFM Scheduling Services was created in the fall of 2013 and creates best in practice processes and tools to optimize rotation creation and management. Dale Schuurmans, Czaba Szepesvari, James Neufeld, and Martha White Jason Harder
Q Boost Inc. 2021 Lab Quality Consulting and Management services David Wishart

Sindhu Nair (snair@ualberta.ca)

2011 Quantum Silicon Inc. develops atomic scale, ultra-low- power computing devices designed to supplement or replace transistor-based integrated circuits. Robert Wolkow Ken Gordon
(780) 641-1963
2019 Direct lithium extraction technology provider, targeting oilfield brines and salar lithium deposits Daniel Alessi Daniel Alessi (alessi@ualberta.ca) (780) 492-8019
2016 We are a scientific instrumentation company based in Edmonton, Alberta. Our goal is to simplify experimental research by developing innovative, integrated systems. John Davis John Davis
Shanghai Shifang Software Co. Ltd. 2005 LogicSQL and its Concurrency Control Algorithm. Li-Yan Yuan and Jia-Huai You
(780) 492-5198
Sonolight Pharmaceuticals Corp. (Acquired by Altachem Pharma) 2000 An Alberta-based biotechnology company developing a portfolio of product candidates for the treatment of cancer by combining immunotherapeutic antibodies with chemotherapy, photodynamic therapy, or immunoadjuvants. Madi Madiyalakan
(780) 448-1400
2018 Develop biosensor technologies for measuring metabolites through two distinct technologies, colour-sensing and impedance sensing. David Wishart Scott MacKay (info@tricca.ca)
2013 VaxAlta delivers safe, sugar-based, effective, affordable, and easy to administer livestock vaccines that eliminate the use of antibiotics, helping to improve animal quality of life and to produce better and safer foods. Christine Szymanski Christine Szymanski
2019 Virtual Gym is an XR Serious Game platform to personalize physical activity sessions. Eleni Stroulia

Victor Fernandez (vf@ualberta.ca) (587) 989-1986

1998 Commercial genetic analysis for applied and academic needs. David Paetkau
(250) 352-3563
2017 Fabrication of low-temperature refrigerators for quantum research John Davis

John Davis (jdavis@ualberta.ca)

10 Pi Corp. 2012 Technologies developed at the Alberta Innovates Center for Machine Learning. Amii
2017 Provides services in ligand discovery using an unprecedented turnaround time at a manageable cost. Ratmir Derda Ratmir Derda