Community Impact
In addition to providing innovative programs for adults, youth and children experiencing disability, The Steadward Centre team is also actively involved in sharing knowledge and expertise with communities and organizations from across Alberta and around the world. With leadership as a core value, we believe that sharing our insights and perspective can provoke new ways of thinking, spark discussion and inspire action.

This mentorship program builds coaching capacity among athletes experiencing disability by working with them to foster the leadership skills and experiences they need to develop as leaders and eventually coaches.

School + Community Programs
We are passionate advocates for inclusion and accessibility. We eagerly welcome invitations from the community to share resources and knowledge about Adapted Physical Activity and Para sport development. We are happy to support organizations within the community, as well as host community or school groups at The Steadward Centre.

Learning + Development
As leaders in Adapted Physical Activity, we provide learning opportunities for a wide range of professionals — teachers, recreational providers, fitness professionals, physical activity leaders, coaches and students who have the opportunity to teach or coach individuals living with impairment. We believe that sharing our insights and perspective can provoke new ways of thinking, spark discussion and inspire action.

Adapted Physical Activity (APA) Symposium
With an emphasis on connection and collaboration, The Steadward Centre is proud to work with various partners to host a province-wide multidisciplinary symposium focused on fostering connected communities and enhancing the accessibility of physical activity and sports across the province for all Albertans experiencing disability.