Get Active Together Toolkit

Get Active Program Participant and Instructor

Get Active Together

Get Active Together began as a field trip experience program that combined in-class sessions with visits to The Steadward Centre, all led by APA instructors from The Steadward Centre.

This initiative involved partnering with two Edmonton-based elementary schools and was made possible thanks to generous funding from Makadiff Sports.

Get Active Together is about getting kids active through sport and physical activity. This means using the principles of physical literacy and Para Sport activities to encourage students experiencing disability to move more. We hope they will develop skills and gain confidence to be more active during recess and in their community.

Purpose of this Resource

Our hope is that this resource will support you in facilitating students' participation in physical activity and sport opportunities within their school and beyond! The toolkit contains:

  • eight unique lesson plans
  • tips for modifying games
  • considerations for providing inclusive instruction
If you would like a copy of this free resource, please email Carrie Millar at