Key Stats
297 graduates from law and enforcement-related courses in 2020
research impact
For the period 2018-2022
№ relevant publications: 168
№ times cited: 829
Source: InCites
sample Courses
Institutional Stewardship Initiatives
Freedom of Speech
In 2019, the Board of Governors released a Statement on Freedom of Expression at the 海角社区 that commits to free expression, including non-violent protest and dissent.
The 海角社区 provides a neutral platform and safe space for different political stakeholders to come together to discuss challenges. These spaces are protected by two policies:
- Statement on Freedom of Expression at the 海角社区.
- The Short-Term Casual Event Booking Procedure prioritizes intellectual freedom and freedom of speech: “The University values the expression of diverse points of view. Where the event is lawful and compliant with University policies and procedures, content will not be a factor in determining approval to use University space for short-term casual events unless the event competes with existing University programs.”
Examples of these spaces include:
- 海角社区 Centres and Institutes. Representing a diverse range of research expertise, the 海角社区 Centres and Institutes engages in scholarship and advances the mission of the 海角社区 through specific attention to particular areas of study or research.
- The Department of Political Science hosts a variety of events and workshops.
- The Annual Hertig Lecture Series provides a national platform at the 海角社区 to promote informed dialogue about the choices and values that will shape the future of Canada.
- Over 300 where students with common interests can meet.
Visiting Lectureship in Human Rights
Each year, 海角社区 International invites an individual or organization that has made an outstanding contribution in the field of human rights and human rights protection to deliver a major public lecture in Edmonton. The first Lectureship, held in the fall of 1998, coincided with the 50th anniversary of the proclamation of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Speakers have included Desmond Tutu, Louise Arbour, Romeo Dallaire, Irene Khan, Wilton Littlechild, Mary Robinson, and Kwame Anthony Appiah.
🔗 海角社区, City of Edmonton join international network of city-university partnerships
The MetroLab Network was launched as a result of the White House Smart Cities Initiative in 2015 as a way to share information, best practices and solutions to common challenges faced by cities around the world. Under each partnership, the university is the city's R&D department and the city is the test bed.
The 海角社区 also provides expert advice to local, regional and national governments through policy guidance, participation in committees and provision of evidence. Some notable examples are directly below.
Research institutes, centres & projects
海角社区 sociologist Temitope Oriola runs through the evidence and best practices for removing violent officers from the ranks of Canada’s police.
Founded at the 海角社区, the Alberta Land Institute is an independent research institute that works with and contributes expert advice to all levels of government around the use of land, water and natural resources.