Frequently Asked Questions
Should I Apply
- Demonstrates enthusiasm, open-mindedness, and flexibility to explore fields in which their gender is currently underrepresented
- Will strive to make the most of this unique opportunity.
- Demonstrates initiative, adapts quickly to new situations, and has the confidence to learn independently and in a team.
- Has a minimum of an 85% overall average in their Grade 11 math and science courses. (However, grades are NOT considered once the minimum requirement has been met)
- Will prepare and present a research poster about their research project and commit to presenting their WISEST research experience to teachers, peers, and younger science classes in their school.
- Commit themselves to the research team’s work expectations which often is scheduled by projects, students are expected to participate accordingly and must commit fully to the 6-week program with no time off for vacations or competitions.
- Students must be able to work in Canada and have a social insurance number before the program start date.
We want you to apply if you have a genuine interest in STEM! As long as you meet the grade requirements, we encourage you to apply.
Don’t worry about whether you know how to do research. If you are accepted into the program, this is what you will learn.
Your lab supervisors know you are in high school and expect to teach you lots, which they are excited to do.
SRP may be the first time your peers have done research, so everyone will be challenged. No one will be bored!
No, we primarily look for a genuine interest and openness to STEM. Any training required will be provided either by us or by the lab.
The number of successful applicants can vary each year depending on the number of positions that WISEST has available for the program. Placements depend on funding and the ability of researchers to take on students in their labs. Typically WISEST accommodates 40 students each summer.
We accept grade 11 students going into grade 12 in the following September. If you have non-traditional schooling, please send us an email at to inquire about eligibility. If you are graduating in 2026, you will likely be eligible for the SRP 2025 program.
Applicants must be willing to fully commit to the entire 6 weeks of the program (no holidays or conflicting commitments).
We require you to have completed 2 20-level sciences in order to have foundational STEM knowledge that will allow you to complete your project successfully. If you are graduating in 2026, you will likely be eligible for the SRP 2025 program. Please email us at with the courses you have taken, and we will discuss further.
Students are required to be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident and have a Canadian SIN number to participate.
We welcome applications from students across Canada.
If you are unsure about your SIN, please contact us at
Please submit your transcripts, and if we still need your grades, we will ask. If you have a guidance counselor at your school, they often help students who transfer between provinces and will have a better idea of the equivalent courses to what we are looking for.
In terms of placements, the SRP differs from HYRS because we do not have medical-based placements. Both medicine and pharmacy are disciplines where women are generally well represented. So, although these are science-based careers, WISEST focuses on areas where under-representation exists.
You cannot participate in both HYRS and the WISEST SRP, but you can apply to both. We recommend that you consider which program most closely aligns with your goals and interests if accepted to both programs.We have the grade requirements to ensure students succeed in an academically challenging research project. We have accepted students with less than 85% averages in the past if they have a compelling reason.
If you are applying with less than an 85% average, we ask that, as well as the application requirements (Google Form, personal response, transcripts), you also submit a supplementary statement detailing why you do not have the necessary academic background and why your application should be considered.
Supplementary statements should be a maximum of 250 words. They must be emailed to the WISEST office ( by the application deadline with the following subject line: "Request for Consideration for SRP Based on Modified Academic Standing."
WISEST recognizes and affirms the importance of Pathways as a new initiative meant to increase accessibility to our Summer Research Program for Black and Indigenous students. In recognition of historical and ongoing educational inequities that Black and Indigenous students face, in particular when accessing these programs, this upcoming year introduces:
- to increase accessibility, Indigenous and Black students may apply with a 80% minimum grade average
- If you are applying with less than an 80% average, we ask that, as well as the application requirements (Google Form, personal response, transcripts), you also submit a supplementary statement detailing why you do not have the necessary academic background and why your application should be considered.
- Supplementary statements should be a maximum of 250 words. They must be emailed to the WISEST office ( by the application deadline with the following subject line: "Request for Consideration for SRP Based on Modified Academic Standing."
- all applicants who identify as Black and/or Indigenous will have their application evaluated by majority Black and Indigenous individuals
How to apply
All parts of your application must be completed and submitted through the submission Google Form no later than 11:59 pm on April 2, 2025.
Teacher references have the same due date but are submitted directly by your teachers.
Students must submit their applications through the Google Form. If you run into issues submitting the files through the Google Form, please email WISEST ( so we can help troubleshoot or provide an alternative.
We appreciate and encourage you to submit your application before the deadline, especially in case of any technical issues. We may be unable to accommodate requests for extensions due to technical reasons if you apply very close to the deadline. We can help troubleshoot or provide alternatives to students who experience technical difficulties if you email us by March 31, 2025.
We are looking for a combined average of over 85% in Math 20-1 and your top two science courses.
If you have taken Math 30/31 or any Science 30 courses and have a better grade than your grade 11 classes, then we will consider those.
We cannot accept Math 20-2 or 30-2 as the UofA Science and Engineering undergraduate applications require Math 30-1 as a prerequisite.
Once the 85% average requirement is met, grades are NO LONGER considered in the adjudication process. There is no advantage to having a very high average and no disadvantage if your average meets the minimum requirements.
Furthermore, if you have one grade 11 math and two grade 11 sciences completed, they are on your full transcript, and they meet the minimum grade requirement, we do not need further interim marks as we only look at your best of the courses listed above to calculate your average.
When you submit your interim grades and transcript, we will pick your top grades out of the following:
One of the following:
- Math 20-1
- Math 30-1
Two of the following:
- Biology 20 or 30
- Chemistry 20 or 30
- Physics 20 or 30
We cannot take 20 and 30 level marks of the same course (ex. Bio 20 and 30).
No. Once you obtain the 85% average, we consider you eligible! There is no advantage or disadvantage to having a high average if your average meets the minimum requirements. Grades are NO LONGER if the 85% average is met.
For example, Alex Doe
Biology 20 = 87%
Math 20-1 = 95%
Interim marks (as of April 1st):
Chemistry 20 = 83%
87+95+83 = 265/3 = 88
88% is above the 85% minimum requirement; therefore, Alex is eligible for the program.
Yes, that'd work perfectly! Furthermore, if you have one grade 11 math and two grade 11 sciences already completed and they are on your full transcript, we do not need further interim marks as we only look at your best of the courses listed above to calculate your average.
No. Furthermore, if you have one grade 11 math and two grade 11 sciences already completed and they are on your full transcript, we do not need further interim marks as we only look at your best of the courses listed above to calculate your average.
A print-off from your school grade portal is perfectly fine. Make sure it has your name and the date on it.
Please feel free to block sensitive information, such as your ASN, on your Detailed Academic Report. We just need to see your name, school, courses and grades. A small adjudication committee reviews applications. All responses are confidential and will only be shared among the application reviewers.
No. Please only answer 2-3 of the prompts in the allotted space (500-700 words or 3.5 minutes).
It is much better to provide detailed responses for 2-3 questions than to try to answer all of them in your limited word space, and your score will reflect this. Choose prompts that you feel your answer will convey who you are, your love for STEM, and how your values align with the WISEST values.
You will submit your personal response in the Google form.
Ensure you submit an appropriate media file, the form will not accept files in the incorrect format.
These media will only be used for adjudicating applications and not be shared publicly. Please title your personal response using the following format:
Ex. D_J_EdmontonHigh_personalresponse_SRP2025
There are 5 things we recommend keeping in mind:
- Personality! We want to get to know you, be sure to answer these questions using your authentic voice vs. saying what you think we want to hear
- Passion for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)
- Alignment with WISEST’s values
- Openness to exploring a variety of STEM fields
- Interest in STEM fields underrepresented by women, Indigenous, racialized and gender-diverse people
No. We only review the first two references that are submitted.
We highly recommend and prefer references from science and/or math teachers. However, we will also accept ONE community reference that can speak to your ability to work (such as a manager, community leader, coach, volunteer coordinator, teacher sponsor of a school club, or a different subject teacher).
No, unless you contact us before the deadline for permission with extenuating circumstances.
In the google form, you’ll be asked if you require financial support. WISEST will contact you if you are shortlisted for the program.
WISEST awards The “Margaret-Ann Armour Endowment Fund” based on need for a limited number of students. Funds are available to assist with residence, travel, and food costs based on individual needs. This funding can be applied to reduce the cost of on-campus residence or for students from outside the greater Edmonton area to assist with off-campus living expenses. The funding can be used for food and transportation.
Each student/family can define “need” according to their circumstances. The questions asked are as follows:
- Can you provide any insight as to why you have requested this funding support? We are not asking for personal financial information, just some more detail to demonstrate/describe financial need.
- Multiple students are applying for funding assistance, and a limited amount is available each year. How much support is needed for your child to participate? e.g. $250
This award is given based on the following criteria:
- The student lives further than the commuting distance to Edmonton
- The student requires financial assistance for housing or travel costs associated with participating in the program
- The student has had little opportunity to become familiar with university or college settings
- The student is seriously considering attending the 海角社区
WISEST strives to provide some level of assistance to most students who request support. The amount awarded depends on the number of eligible students applying to the program and the funds available to disperse.
No, we offer financial aid to decrease overall barriers to potential SRP students. If you are unsure if you will require financial assistance, please indicate so in the Google Form, and we will follow up later on in the application process.
After you apply
No, email us your grades whenever they are available, but please let us know if there will be a delay in our receiving them. Additionally, if you have one grade 11 math and two grade 11 sciences already completed and they are on your full transcript, we do not need further interim marks as we only look at your best of the courses listed above to calculate your average.
Due to the volume of applications we do not send confirmation of receipt of documents. The Google form will send a copy of your responses, however. The WISEST office receives many applications for processing, and we will contact you if there are any outstanding questions or concerns.
Each application is read and carefully considered by an Admissions Committee of volunteers, SRP alumni, and current staff. Each application is reviewed twice, and decisions are made through discussion with committee members. All responses are confidential and will only be shared among the application reviewers.
Please be patient with us. As per the application form, "WISEST is unable to accept phone calls or emails regarding the status of my application." You will know one way or another by May 31.
Everyone on our Alternate List is qualified to attend. WISEST may offer admission, but you should have a backup plan for the summer.
We aim to place you in a project that best suits your interests and that will familiarize you with a field in which your gender is currently underrepresented. Please list your top three areas of interest. If you would like to see what placements past SRP students have done, please visit the website and look at our historical Journals of Student Research as well as this page that details some of our past placements.
We aim to place you in a project that best suits your interests and that will familiarize you with a field in which your gender is currently underrepresented. Please list your top three areas of interest. If you would like to see what placements past SRP students have done, please visit the website and look at our historical Journals of Student Research as well as this page that details some of our past placements.
During the program
There are options for students from outside the greater Edmonton area to reside on campus, and you can find more information about housing here.
Students are placed in research labs on campus where they work on a project as part of the research team with their supervisors from the lab. Students work full-time Monday to Friday, generally from 9-5, but this can vary depending on their research placement (i.e., 8:30-4:30).
As well as working in their lab, students in the SRP participate in Lunch n' Learn and Professional Development activities run by WISEST staff. We also offer social events outside of work hours for the students in the cohort. Exactly what each student's work day consists of will depend on what lab they are placed in! You can find examples of potential placements and research projects here.
Students will work approximately 35 hours a week, Monday through Friday, for 6 weeks. The student and their supervisor at the beginning of the program will determine the exact hours on each of those days. In most situations, it is 8:30-4:30 or 9:00-5:00 or something similar.
This is more than just a summer job, however, so there are also a number of unpaid, optional, community-building activities put on throughout the summer as well. It is a full-time job and students do find they spend a few extra hours engaging with their peers during the program.
This depends on your placement. Some placements have transportation requirements, but most are on the 海角社区 Campus. All WISEST activities take place on the UofA campus except for potential field trips where transportation would be provided.
Students are paid $15 per hour.
The degree to which students have the ability to choose the direction of their project is highly dependent on the placement. That said, every project will fit within the broader scope of the larger research project(s) being done in the lab. Generally speaking, the supervisors have an idea of what the project will be for the students and will mentor them through the completion of the project.
We understand that illness, appointments etc. happen, what we ask is that students are not planning to take time off beyond these occasional circumstances. The program is short and most students find they need the full 6 weeks to complete their projects.
After the program
WISEST does not participate in the “Off-Campus Education Program” or any related work placement programs. Hours worked during the SRP cannot be used as work experience credits.