Humanities Centre


NOTE: The Humanities Centre is currently closed due to ongoing repairs being done to the building! It is expected to reopen sometime in the summer of 2024.

Quick Tips!

  • The Humanities Centre is referred to as "HC" in class descriptions and on the University's Campus Maps tool.
  • The Humanities Centre most commonly has classes in the large lecture theatre (e.g. HC L 1), on the ground floor (e.g. HC 1-10), or on the second floor (e.g. HC 2-10) with very few exceptions!
  • You can find the Arts Undergraduate Student Services office on the main floor in HC 1-17, where you can get help with your degree questions during regular work hours.
  • Upstairs in the building, you can find the office of the Dean of Arts on the 6th floor!

A brutalist concrete structure constructed in 1972, the Humanities Centre currently houses some of the Departments of English and Film Studies staff offices and your student representatives at . The first floor of this building is where you can find the Faculty of Arts advisors at the Undergraduate Student Services (HC 1-17)... the same office which is home to the biggest celebrity in the Faculty of Arts (Biscuit the teddy bear).

This building's hallways are decorated with multi-coloured skylights, bright carpets, and 52 painted nylon banners each 4 x 13 feet in size designed by Canadian artist Takao Tanabe.


The OASIS office has a blue paint coat on its walls, including a lounge-style seating area with couches and a TV. Students can drop in and share concerns with the OASIS team, or decide to get more involved with their team. It is a great opportunity for Arts students to get involved on campus and a chance to make lasting friendships.

The Humanities Centre is linked to HUB through the pedway with the infamous piano which anyone passing by can play if they'd like.