Faculty of Arts Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentorship

Terms of Reference

The Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentorship recognizes excellence in the mentorship, advising and teaching of graduate students by full-time continuing academic staff.


Any individual who mentors and teaches graduate students at the 海角社区 as a full-time continuing member of the academic teaching staff (Category A1.1 or A1.5) is eligible. Nominees must have taught or mentored graduate students within the last 24 months of the date of nomination. If an eligible individual takes on a new position that places him/her in a different staff category, that individual will remain eligible for nomination for 24 months after his/her reclassification.

Application Deadline

Last Friday in January


Staff and students in any department that teaches graduate students are encouraged to submit nominations to their department Chair. Each department is allowed one (1) nomination. The resubmission of nominations in subsequent years is welcome.


Please refer to the criteria for the . In addition, the Faculty of Arts suggests the following be assessed:

  1. Support and encouragement of students' research interests
  2. Provides timely and constructive feedback at different stages of the student's program
  3. Shares information about research cultures, grants, professional practice, internships and employment
  4. Shares opportunities for and supports students to be successful academically
  5. Serves as a model of professionalism and integrity


Departments/ Programs are advised to scrutinize carefully the university's Guidelines for the Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, and the suggestions for nominators preparing packages. In addition, nominations should address the criteria listed above as appropriate. A teaching dossier and a brief statement of the nominee's contributions to graduate teaching, mentorship and supervision are recommended, but not required.

Important Information

When writing to current students, alumni and external peer evaluators, please state that the nomination is for the Faculty of Arts Award for Excellence Graduate Mentorship, and the University Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching. There is a strong probability that successful nominations at the Faculty level will be sent forward for the University competition; therefore, by referencing both awards in your correspondence, additional letters will not have to be sought.

Page Limit

18 pages (in a 12-point font). Please note that only the first 18 pages of any dossier will be considered. If the Faculty of Arts Teaching Awards Committee recommends a Faculty nomination for the University competition, a letter of support from the Dean will be added to the dossier to complete the 20-page restriction imposed by the University Teaching Awards Committee.

Number of Awards

One awarded annually in the Faculty

Nature of the Award

A certificate of recognition, awarded with due publicity, will be presented at the Faculty of Arts Awards Night in May.




Please contact Ms. Nancie Hodgson (nancie@ualberta.ca), for general questions. Nominators requiring assistance and advice to prepare their nominations should consult the Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning), Mickey Adolphson (madolphs@ualberta.ca).