Manuel Dufresne Langevin

Manuel D


Describe your board/organization, their objectives, and your responsibilities during the NPBI internship. 

(EFB) aims to be the leader in food collection and distribution to those in need. Their ultimate goal is to eliminate hunger. They serve approximately 21,000 clients per month, making a significant positive impact on the community. My responsibility was that of a consultant. I was charged with finding solutions to enhance the operations of the board of directors, with a specific focus on the board executives (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary).

Can you describe your project and how you think it will benefit your board?

To start off my project, I have done a literature review on Google scholar regarding non-profit boards of directors. Then, I conducted an online survey to 130 Canadian food banks, 30 of which responded. Afterward, I performed interviews with current members of the EFB, and various industry professionals, including the Chair of a food bank in Australia! My goal was to identify what the common practices were in this industry: How many board executives? What are their roles? How many committees? Is the use of an executive committee recommended? What are the common challenges?, et cetera. Lastly, I developed seven recommendations based on my findings. The governance committee is currently reviewing the recommendations. I hope that they accept some of them, and that I helped to improve the processes and structure of the EFB board of directors.

What stands out for you as key learning moments as a result of volunteering on a board?

My key learning is what it would feel like to be a consultant. One of my mentors was a consultant, and I was able to learn what a consultant report should look like. I had to prepare different iterations of my report, which helped me understand how to better tailor my message to my audience. It also gave me a much better sense of how detailed versus how high-level a recommendation should be. Finally, it gave me a good sense of my entrepreneurial abilities. I was given a lot of freedom with the project, which allowed me to put my best skills into practice.

Would you recommend this program to 海角社区 students and why? 

I would recommend the NPBI program without a doubt. It was one of the best experiences I've had during my MBA. It was challenging but extremely rewarding. I learned about myself, about non-profits, and I hope that the time I spent made a positive impact on the community.