Naiha Wasi

Naiha W

Bachelor of Arts, Political Science major (Sociology minor), Certificates in Ethics and CSL, 5th Year

Course: CSL 100 (Winter 2021) with Instructor Randi Nixon

Who was your community partner and can you describe the project objectives? 

I am working with the specifically, as part of their homework in which I tutor immigrant children with their homework and participate in workshops that are helpful in adapting to the school system. 

What was your biggest takeaway from your CSL placement? 

My biggest takeaway from this CSL placement is understanding the importance and urgency of a well-funded and strong education system. For those of us who understand English as a first language or are raised here, school is just another part of growing up. However, with budget constraints and cuts on education, it is unfortunate that new immigrant children, or children whose first language is not English, will be more negatively impacted than their counterparts. 

How can you apply any newly gained knowledge/skills to your future endeavours (courses/employment/volunteering)?

When we think of building the best house, we focus on the foundation of it so that the beautiful living space does not collapse. My CSL placement has taught me that education, specifically primary education for children, is the foundation upon which they will be building their lives upon. Witnessing government cuts to education budgets and without focus on ensuring that all children receive the specific help they need to flourish, is extremely concerning. I believe that my future endeavors will be focused on ensuring that all children, regardless of their race, economic/immigration status, and gender, receive and have access to comprehensive education and tools to help them succeed in school and learning. This could mean making sure that there is funding for education but also to make sure that there is an understanding of the individual needs and barriers of immigrant and ESL children. 

What are some of the ways that COVID-19 has affected your community partner or your placement?  

Because of COVID-19, my placement is completely online. This has posed to be quite a challenge. Young children, like adults, are restless and distracted sitting in front of a computer screen. It is also difficult to manage technical issues through a screen. Despite some challenges, the adaptation made by SCWCA and CSL is excellent and I'm glad that the homework club is still able to continue.