Faculty Development Resources
The Engineering Faculty Forums were by the Chemical and Materials Engineering Teaching Enhancement Committee (TEC). The Forums focus on the themes of teaching, research and leadership within Professorship. They provide an introduction to good teaching practices and basic pedagogical ideas, and have had a dramatic impact on engineering's teaching culture.
Presentations given at Faculty Forums from 2013-2014 are provided below in the following topic categories:
- Teaching and Learning
- Safety
- Working with Graduate Students
- Building Collaborations
- Communicating & Branding Your Research
- New Faculty
Teaching & Learning
Active Learning and Student Engagement
- Active Learning: Strategies for getting what everyone wants from the classroom - L. Unsworth (CME)
- Engaging Large Classes in Active Learning - L. Guirguis (Pharmacy)
- Active Learning - J. Sit (ECE)
Design of Effective Examples: Bloom's Cognitive Levels and Learning Objectives
- Learning Objectives and Outcomes - J. Nychka (CME)
- Design of Effective Examples - S. Kresta (CME)
Designing Midterms - Fairness in Student Assessment
- Building More Valid Tests - K. Cor (Pharmacy)
- - J. Sit (ECE)
- Designing Midterms - S. Kresta (CME)
Teaching Fish if You're a Penguin: Student Learning Styles
- Learning Styles Fish and Penguins - S. Kresta (CME)
Collaborative Learning
- Flipping Your Classroom: A Ticket to Increase Classroom Collaboration? - K. Peacock (Centre for Teaching & Learning)
- Teaching Engineering Students and Introduction to Co-Op Learning - R. Eadie (CME Professor Emeritus)
- Collaborative Learning: Experience in Design Courses - P. Mertiny (MecE)
Safety Leadership Workshop
- The Leadership Imperative for Safety - G. Winkel (CME)
- CCOHS Job Safety Analysis & Application in the lab - J. Cocchio (CME)
- Practical strategies that work in university research groups - A. Koenig (CME)
Working with Graduate Students
Recruiting and Growing Great Graduate Students
- Graduate Student Recruitment and Supervision: Some thoughts and Experiences - P. Schiavone (MecE)
- Recruiting and Mentoring Great Graduate Students - J. Elliot (CME)
- Examples of Research Group and Personnel Management/Communication Strategies - M. Brett (ECE)
- Recruiting and Growing Great Graduate Students - M. Ardakani (ECE)
- From 0 to 60 mph in 3 seconds - A. Ulrich (CivE)
Care and Feeding of TA's
- Transformation from Student to Teaching Assistant & Beyond - N. Robertson (former CME TA)
Building Collaborations
Grants and Developing Collaborations
- Strategy for Partnerships and Innovation - F. Nolan (Engage)
- Mitacs: Funding Opportunities for New Faculty - J. Cuervo (Mitacs)
- Engineering Research Facilitation Office Funding - T. Garneau (Research Facilitator)
- New Faculty Forum Collaboration - S. Dew (Assoc. Dean/Prof. ECE)
Building Collaborations
- - S. AbouRizk (CivE)
- How to play nicely and make new friends - J. Foght (BioSci)
Communicating & Branding Your Research
Establishing a Presence: Branding your research
- Branding Your Research Group - M. Gray (CME)
- Branding - J. Nychka (CME)
- 海角社区 Marketing & Communications guidelines on individual branding
Writing Well
- H & - R. Graves (English & Film Studies)
- Building Traction and Triumph Into Co-Authorship Document & Writing Well presentation - S. Kresta (CME & Acting Associate Dean, Research and Planning)
Getting Published
- Tips to Getting Published - Aminah Robinson Fayek (Civil)
- The scientific publishing process: A few important tips on how to write and submit a successful paper - João Soares (CME)
New Faculty
Vision for the Faculty; Academic Regulations; Scholarship and Collaborations
- Read a summary of the Dean's talk in this news story - David Lynch, Dean
- Presentation - Ken Porteous, Associate Dean
- Presentation - Steve Dew, Associate Dean and Professor in ECE
Understanding the Faculty Evaluation Committee
- Understanding the Faculty Evaluation Process - H. Marquez (ECE)
Using Your First Year Efficiently: What we wish we'd known
- Using your first years efficiently - F. Hicks (Civil)
- The ecology of the 1st year faculty: Knowing your environment - D. Sauvageau (CME)
- Using your first year(s) efficiently - P. Mertiny (MecE)
Achieving Work-Life Balance: Clones, Drones and Managing Expectations
- Is work life balance possible during pre-tenure years? - A. Ulrich (CivE)
- Work-Life Balance - M. Lipsett (MecE)