Faculty Development Resources

The Engineering Faculty Forums were by the Chemical and Materials Engineering Teaching Enhancement Committee (TEC). The Forums focus on the themes of teaching, research and leadership within Professorship. They provide an introduction to good teaching practices and basic pedagogical ideas, and have had a dramatic impact on engineering's teaching culture.

Presentations given at Faculty Forums from 2013-2014 are provided below in the following topic categories:

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Safety
  • Working with Graduate Students
  • Building Collaborations
  • Communicating & Branding Your Research
  • New Faculty

Teaching & Learning

Active Learning and Student Engagement

Design of Effective Examples: Bloom's Cognitive Levels and Learning Objectives

Designing Midterms - Fairness in Student Assessment

Teaching Fish if You're a Penguin: Student Learning Styles

Collaborative Learning


Safety Leadership Workshop

Working with Graduate Students

Recruiting and Growing Great Graduate Students

Care and Feeding of TA's

Building Collaborations

Grants and Developing Collaborations

Building Collaborations

Communicating & Branding Your Research

Establishing a Presence: Branding your research

Writing Well

Getting Published

New Faculty

Vision for the Faculty; Academic Regulations; Scholarship and Collaborations

Understanding the Faculty Evaluation Committee

Using Your First Year Efficiently: What we wish we'd known

Achieving Work-Life Balance: Clones, Drones and Managing Expectations