Academic Requirements Report
The Academic Requirements Report is a tool students can use to track the progress of courses within their program, in addition to the Academic Calendar. Students can access the Academic Requirements Report in Bear Tracks: from the Manage Classes menu page, select “Academic Requirements.”
What We Need From Students: Check Report Accuracy & Report Errors
Since this is a relatively new reporting tool, you may notice some irregularities in your Academic Requirements Report. Please review the content of your report carefully to ensure it is accurate.
Things to look for:
- Is your program/year correct?
- Are your completed courses displayed correctly?
- If course exceptions (e.g. Program Electives) have been made to your program, are they displayed correctly?
- Are any courses incorrectly placed in the report?
- Are there courses listed under “Extra to Degree” that should be put toward completion of your degree?
- Students who have resequenced their program will not see a change in their report.
- For Chemical Engineering Co-op - Oil Sands Elective, the Academic Requirements Report does not match the Calendar. Students in this stream follow the Chemical Engineering Co-op - Plan I sequence.
If you notice inconsistencies between your Academic Requirements Report and the information outlined in the Academic Calendar, please use the under Academic Requirements in Bear Tracks to notify Engineering Student Services. The Student Services team will review error reports on a regular basis and make changes and updates as required.
Last Updated: October 2, 2024