Frequently Asked Questions
Reconciliation Process and Approvals
There are several potential reasons why your PCard reconciliation may not be completed.
- You may have saved your reconciliation, rather than submitted it. If this is the case, it will be in “Pending” status (rather than “Submitted” status). Follow these .
- Charges have been brought in from My Wallet into a Credit Card expense template; however, these have not been reconciled and receipts and/or speedcode(s) may not have been added. The cardholder or delegate needs to reconcile these charges.
- Your delegate has reconciled the charges from My Wallet into a Credit Card expense template and you have not approved them. Cardholders must always verify the work of the delegate prior to approving the report.
- The charges were brought in from My Wallet, reconciled in the Credit Card template and routed for budget owner approval; however, the budget owner has not approved the expense report. In order to complete the reconciliation, the budget owner must approve the expense report.
PCard expenses will not post to the GL account until they are fully reconciled and approved by the budget owner.
Timely reconciliation of transactions is a requirement for all University Corporate Purchasing Cardholders. Credit Card transactions are loaded daily and should be reconciled, at minimum, on a monthly basis. The deadline to reconcile and approve transactions related to the current billing cycle is the last business day of the month.
As a cardholder, you are responsible to follow the reconciliation deadlines and ensure that your card is fully reconciled and approved. Failure to reconcile will result in card suspension.
Please review the UAPPOL Corporate Purchasing Card Procedure for more information on your full responsibilities as a cardholder.
If your PCard is not reconciled within two months of the Billing Cycle, a card suspension will be initiated. In the unlikely event that you record three card suspensions for non-compliance, you will no longer be eligible for a Corporate Purchasing Card.
The cardholder and/or budget holder must approve the reconciliation.
It is the responsibility of the cardholder to ensure the PCard is reconciled in a timely manner, which includes ensuring that the budget owner reviews and approves the credit card statement on time. Working with the budget owner is essential to the reconciliation process.
If the budget owner will not be available for a period of time, a temporary proxy for expense approval should be assigned by the budget owner through Peoplesoft Financials (Self Service Centre > Manage Approvals > Assign Proxy). If, due to extenuating circumstances (such as an unexpected leave of absence), a proxy was not assigned, IST will need to be contacted.
Yes, credit card transactions from BMO are updated nightly in MyWallet, so you do not have to wait until the end of the month to create your Credit Card Statement report.
Credit card transactions are loaded nightly so you can go in daily, weekly, or monthly to do your reconciliation. Keep in mind that every time you submit an expense report, it will then be routed to the budget owner for approval.
Some suppliers located in the United States are registered with a Canadian business number and are therefore obligated to collect GST. Their invoices or receipts should indicate a GST Registration Number.
5% GST will be automatically calculated in the Credit Card Statement expense report for Canadian dollar purchases.
It is possible that your receipt could show HST or PST if you purchased something from a supplier outside of Alberta. However, you must ensure that only the 5% GST amount appears in the GST box on the Credit Card Statement Claim.
No. A correction will have to be requested by submitting a completed Credit Card Journal Entry Request form to the .
Note: Credit Card Journal Entry requests do not support GL Account/Expense type updates.
No. Once you have uploaded your receipt into My Wallet, that now acts as your original receipt for record retention.
Debit or credit card slips, unless accompanied by an itemised cash register receipt or invoice. Credit card or bank statements, unless used to support foreign exchange fees along with an invoice or detailed receipt.
It is preferred that you attach a PDF image of your receipt, because not all image file types are compatible and cannot be opened by your approver or reviewers. Other supported file formats include “JPG” and “PNG”.
You must do everything you can to obtain a receipt, including contacting the vendor. If you cannot obtain a receipt, attach an email or other document outlining how you have attempted to get proof of the transaction, the date of the purchase and what the purchase was for.
If you have paper copies of receipts, you may scan them together and attach one PDF file to the credit card statement. We encourage you to indicate the number of receipts within the file in the description field. If the receipts are already electronic copies, you may attach them individually.
Cardholders can authorise individuals to enter new claims and reconcile the new “Credit Card Statement” expense report on their behalf in PeopleSoft Financials; however, the budget owner is still required to go into the report and approve the transactions.
If the budget owner will not be available for a period of time, a temporary proxy for expense approval should be assigned through Peoplesoft Financials (Self Service Centre > Manage Approvals > Assign Proxy). Please note that all transactions requiring approval (not just Credit Card Statements) will route to the proxy.
It is recommended to do a separate expense report for each budget owner. This way, budget owners see only the transactions they’ll be approving.
Yes. Select the Accounting Detail icon in the transaction line you would like to split. Click the “Add ChartField Line” button to add another line, where you can then indicate the second speedcode and dollar amount.
Note: You need to update the dollar amount on the original line, so that the combined lines equal the expense (transaction) amount.
It is important to note that when splitting a single transaction between two speed codes, the credit card claim will route only to the budget owner on the first line for approval.
Please refer to the UAPPOL Corporate Purchasing Card Procedure for full details on eligible and restricted (ineligible) transactions.
Errors & Troubleshooting
If you believe you have already reconciled your PCard statement and it is currently in “Pending” state, then it is pending submission (not pending approval). Please review the .
There are some common errors that can occur during PCard reconciliation. Please see some common error messages, along with the issue and the solution, below. For additional assistance troubleshooting issues, please contact the with a screenshot of the error message.
If you accidentally charged a personal expense to your PCard, you will need to repay the charge. First, reconcile the PCard, being sure to note which speedcode and account you use for the expense. You will then need to write a cheque made out to the 海角社区 and submit it to the Finance Partner for your department. Be sure to let the Finance Partner know the speedcode and account code where the expense was reconciled to ensure it is credited to the correct account.
If there is no one within your department to process the deposit, please complete the Cheque Deposit Information Form (section 4) and attach it to your cheque. The approval signature can be done via email and then attached with the form. Mail the form and the cheque via Campus Mail to the following address:
3rd Floor Administration Building
11380 89 Avenue
Edmonton AB T6G 2M7
First, please ensure that no other colleagues may have used your card to incur the expense. Once you have confirmed that the charge needs to be disputed, please try to reach out to the vendor to inquire about the charge before contacting the Bank of Montreal (BMO; 1-866-418-8151) to dispute the charge. All disputed charges must be reported within 90 days of the transaction date. BMO may ask for your full card number, the billing address and the phone number on file.
Billing address: 77 University Campus, Edmonton AB, T6G 2R3
Phone number: 780-492-7366
You will need to reconcile the unrecognised charge. If the charge is disputed successfully, a credit will be posted by the bank and this credit will need to be reconciled to the same speed code and account code.
If your card has been compromised, after contacting BMO, please reach out to the in order to notify the PCard Administrator. If you have any recurring vendors who charge your card, please let them know not to process any transactions at this time.
PCard Billing Information
Your PCard billing address is:
77 University Campus
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2R3
Phone: (780) 492-7366
Cancelling a PCard