How to Delegate Credit Card Reconciliation

The purpose of this function is for cardholders to assign a different person(s) who will initially enter Travel, Expense Reports and/or Credit Card Statements on their behalf. When a delegate enters a Credit Card Statement on your behalf, you will still be required to approve it before it is routed to the budget owner for approval.

  1. Sign in to  with your CCID and password
  2. Self Service Center > Travel and Expenses > Click on Travel and Expense Center
  3. Profiles and Preferences > Click on Delegate Entry Authority
  4. Click on the + icon at the end of the row with your name
  5. Enter the CCID of the delegate,  or
    search by Last Name:
    click on the Look up icon
    change Search By from “User ID” to “Name”
    Enter Last Name
    Click Lookup
    Select Name
  6. Click Save

Note: Only the cardholder receives the monthly Notification Reminder. Delegates will not receive this notification.