Event and Meeting Space Management

The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (FoMD) occupies a number of learning, clinical, research and administrative spaces and there is a regular need to hold group meetings and large-scale events. These spaces bring together Faculty members to share information, communicate new initiatives, support decision-making, research and learning activity collaboration and to celebrate our achievements.

It is important that FoMD members are aware of the location and type of meeting and event spaces available for their use and make appropriate plans to use these spaces in a manner that respects the resource and the health, safety and security of our people and our guests.

Please find below a number of principles and resources to guide your usage of meeting rooms and event spaces in the Faculty.

Meeting and Event Space Usage Principles

  • Event and meeting room spaces are a resource for all members of the Faculty. All usage of these spaces should align with the intended purpose of the space and the best interests of the University and the Faculty. The Faculty reserves the right to deny usage requests that do not satisfy these requirements.
  • Each event and meeting room space will be assigned to a specific room/event schedule owner for the purposes of maintaining a calendar and booking the space on a first come first served basis.
  • Individual units within the Faculty may have meeting rooms adjacent to their work areas. These units will have priority booking rights for these rooms.
  • Once a room/event booking has been made it cannot be changed by the room/event schedule owner unless it is done in consultation and with the agreement of the party who originally booked the space. The Office of the Dean reserves the right, in exceptional circumstances, to change a meeting or event booking.
  • Meeting rooms in secure areas will only be available for use by those who occupy that space.
  • Repeated, long-term bookings of more than 6 months are discouraged so that we can ensure that meeting room spaces are effectively shared amongst Faculty members.
  • Users of meeting room and event spaces are responsible for the safety and security of their colleagues and guests. Meeting rooms and event spaces will be returned to their pre-use condition following the meeting or event.
  • All University and Faculty policies and procedures related to the safe, secure and effective use of these resources must be followed.
  • It is possible to book a meeting room or event space outside of the normal building hours. The users of the space are responsible for making arrangements for after-hours access and must ensure that they communicate any changes to the booking to the room/event scheduler at least 5 business days in advance of the originally booked date.
  • If you're looking to host an external conference at the 海角社区 please contact for assistance.

Meeting and Event Space Usage Resources