Post MN Nurse Practitioner

Graduates of the Master of Nursing program at the 海角社区 (or its equivalent) may apply for admission to post-master's studies to complete courses required to qualify for rostering with College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) or other Canadian provincial nursing regulator as a nurse practitioner (Neonate, Family All Ages and Adult/Older Adult streams).
The application deadline is January 6 for a September start date of the same calendar year.

Post-master of nursing applicants who desire to become eligible for entry-to-practice as a nurse practitioner require 4,500 clinical hours of registered nursing practice appropriate to the program category (i.e., Adult RNs who have worked with adult populations, Neonatal RNs who have worked in at least level III or higher NICU environments, or Family/All Ages RNs who have worked with adults and children across some diversity of settings) by the January 6 application deadline.

Students will be tested on physical assessment skills at the beginning of NURS 516/518 and advice will be offered for additional preparation if needed.

If admitted, students are expected to take clinical courses in sequence and without interruption.

Post-master’s NP courses are completed on a part-time basis over a 20-month period. Clinical courses require 800 clinical hours, including a consolidated practicum of 400 hours during the final semester. It may be difficult to maintain employment hours due to the workload of seminar and clinical commitments. Throughout the program, students must realistically appraise their ability to continue employment hours alongside the time commitment required for their studies.

The following courses are required to complete the Post MN:

Term I (Fall)

NURS 509 (FAA and Adult) or 520 (Neonate) Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics
Campus or online seminars

Term II (Winter)

NURS 507 (FAA and Adult) or 522 (Neonate) Advanced Pathophysiology
Campus or online seminars

Term III (Spring)

NURS 516 (FAA and Adult) or 518 (Neonate) Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning
Weekly seminar/lab campus or online plus 100 hours with a clinical preceptor. There is a consolidated lab requiring one week of on campus attendance at the beginning of the course for lab/simulation skill building.

Term IV (Summer)

NURS 530 Advanced Clinical Care I
Two online modules plus 100 hours with a clinical preceptor

Term V (Fall)

NURS 531 Advanced Clinical Care II
Two online modules plus 100 hours with a clinical preceptor
NURS 532 Advanced Clinical Care III
Two online modules plus 100 hours with a clinical preceptor

Term VI (Winter)

NURS 533 Consolidated Practicum I
200 hours clinical practice with a preceptor
NURS 534 Consolidated Practicum II
200 hours clinical practice with a preceptor

Post MN applicants are required to submit the following documents to

  1.  Non-Degree Graduate Student Registration Form (complete all sections of this form with the exception of the courses).
  2.  A PDF copy of the Post MN Applicant Background Information Document
  3. Two letters of reference. One academic reference and one clinical reference attesting to the applicant's clinical practice in the specific ANP area of interest. Letters must be written in English. References must be submitted to directly by the referee and MUST INCLUDE:
    1. A completed Letter of Reference form: /en/graduate-studies/media-library/forms-cabinet/admissions/reference-letter.pdf
    2. A signed copy of a letter on the referee’s institution or company letterhead (there is no specific format required for this letter)
  4. Transcripts from each post-secondary institution attended (please see Document Preparation)

Post MN application assessment

Important Information for students admitted to Post MN Studies

CASN Accreditation Seal