Baccalauréat ès science​s​ infirmières​ (​bilingue​)​​/Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Bilingual)

The BScN (Bilingual) program is a collaborative effort between the Faculty of Nursing and Faculté Saint-Jean, funded in part by Health Canada and in part by the Province of Alberta. This program offers students the opportunity to study nursing in Canada's two official languages. It is designed to:

  • respond to a need expressed by students who wish to obtain a bilingual degree in nursing in Alberta
  • offer a program that prepares graduates to provide nursing services in both official languages
  • offer a program that better prepares graduates to respond to the needs of the French-speaking communities in Western and Northern Canada


NOTE: Le genre féminin utilisé dans ce texte inclus les femmes et les hommes.

Le programme qui prépare au diplôme de B.Sc.Inf. (bilingue) repose sur la collaboration de la Faculté Saint-Jean et de la Faculty of Nursing et est financé en partie par Santé Canada et en partie par la province de l'Alberta. Ce programme permet aux étudiantes d'étudier les sciences infirmières dans les deux langues officielles du Canada. Le programme vise les objectifs suivants:

  1. Répondre aux besoins des étudiantes qui souhaitent obtenir un diplôme bilingue en sciences infirmières en Alberta.
  2. Offrir un programme qui prépare les diplômées à la prestation des soins infirmiers dans les deux langues officielles.
  3. Offrir un programme pour bien préparer les diplômées à répondre aux besoins des communautés d'expression française de l'ouest et du nord canadien.

Au cours de leur formation, les étudiantes suivent les cours à la Faculté Saint-Jean et à la Faculty of Nursing. Le nombre total des crédits de cours de sciences infirmières enseignés en français varie de 27 à 47. Ces cours peuvent comprendre des stages de pratique clinique en milieux bilingues ou francophones. De plus, selon la performance académique et clinique, et la disponibilité des stages, les étudiantes pourront compléter leur stage pratique clinique de niveau senior dans un milieu bilingue ou francophone.



A complete list of º£½ÇÉçÇø deadlines can be found on the  . The BScN-Bilingual Program has one intake per year (September).

Complete list of º£½ÇÉçÇø deadlines
Deadlines Date
Application deadline
Application form and application fee due.
March 1
Casper deadline (last testing date) May 2
Document deadline for high school applicants
All program requirements completed and transcripts/documents due
Aug. 1
Document deadline for postsecondary applicants
All program requirements completed and transcripts/documents due
June 15
Health and Safety Requirements 
See the Health and Safety Requirements page

Course Sequence

Below is the course sequence for those undertaking full-time studies. Please also refer to the . Course sequencing is subject to change and can be configured differently depending on clinical placement availability.

  • The number in brackets beside the course name indicates the units of course weight ("credits") for that particular course.
  • Course names that end in "Practice" are clinical placements/experiences done in off-campus health-care facilities.
  • Complete course descriptions are available on . If you do not have a º£½ÇÉçÇø Campus Computing ID, you can login to Bear Tracks as a Guest.
  • The curriculum is designed to be taken over four years as full-time studies. With approval, students have up to six years from the time of admission to complete the requirements for this program.

The most recent course sequence has been updated below September 2024 - sourced from the  Changes that are new to the 2024 curriculum are italicized.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Bilingual Program (Fall 2024)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)
Bilingual Program (Fall 2024)

ANATE 140 (★3) Anatomie

FRANC 224 (★3) Maîtrise du français pour les sciences infirmières

MICRE 133 (★3) Microbiologie Médicale pour Infirmières

SC INF 110 (★2) Fondements du succès en soins infirmiers

SOCIE 100 (★3) Introduction à la sociologie

PHYSE 152A (★3) Physiologie

ANGL 127 (★3) Exploring Writing Studies for Nursing

NURS 125 (★4) Nursing Practice - Health Assessment & Nursing Process

PSYCE 106 (★3) Principes psychologiques pour les infirmières

PHYSE 152B (★3) Physiologie

STATQ 151 (★3) Introduction à la statistique appliquée I

FRANC 233 (★3) Techniques de rédaction pour les sciences infirmières OR

ANGL (★3) OR Elective (★3) (see Note 1)


SC INF 205 (★3) L'innovation, la réflexion, et le leadership dans le contexte des systèmes

SC INF 223 (★6) Les fondations des sciences infirmières I/II

SC INF 221 (★6) Introduction à la pratique infirmière

NURS 216A (★3) Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II (part A)

SC INF 301 (★3) Recherche en sciences infirmières

NURS 216B (★3) Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II (part B)

NURS 224 (★3) Foundations of Nursing III

NURS 225 (★6) Introductory Acute Care Nursing Practice II

SCSOC 222 (★3) Santé des Autochtones et conceptions du bien-vivre

YEAR 3 (See Notes 3, 4, and 5)

NURS 322 (★3) Maternal/Child Nursing Practice and NURS 323 (★4) Community Nursing through the Lifespan

NURS 321 (★6) Advanced Acute Care Nursing Practice I

SC PO 320 (★3) La politique du système de santé au Canada (see Note 6 - SC INF 300 no longer offered)

SC INF 327 (★6) Santé Mentale et bien-être en soins infirmiers

NURS 325 (★6) Advanced Acute Care Nursing Practice II

INT D 408 (★2) Interprofessional Initiatives

YEAR 4 (see Notes 3, 4 and 8)

NURS 485 (★12) Nursing Practice in a Focused Area (See Note 9)

PHILE 386 (★3) La bioéthique (see Note 6 - SC INF 422 no longer offered)

SC INF 425 (★9) Le leadership en sciences infirmières dans un domaine spécifique

INT D 420 (★3)
Perspectives on Inclusive and Global Health


Program Notes:

  1. The language of instruction of electives must be French and electives are normally taken at Faculté Saint-Jean.
  2. To proceed to Year 2 students must have passed all Year 1 courses.
  3. "SC INF" denotes nursing courses where French is the primary language of instruction.
  4. Courses may be configured differently depending on clinical placement availability.
  5. To proceed to Year 3 students must have passed all Year 2 courses.
  6. The Faculty of Nursing will determine which course students will take.
  7. The Faculty of Nursing will offer this course in French whenever possible. When offered, students in the Bilingual Nursing Program must take this course in French.
  8. To proceed to Year 4, students must have passed all Year 2 and 3 courses.
  9. Based on academic and clinical performance, and on availability of placements, students may elect to complete the senior practicum in a bilingual or francophone milieu outside of Edmonton.

The following sequence was effective until March 2022.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Bilingual Program (Mar 2022)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)
Bilingual Program (Mar 2022)

ANATE 140 (★3) Anatomie

FRANC 224 (★3) Maîtrise du français pour les sciences infirmières

MICRE 133 (★3) Microbiologie Médicale pour Infirmières

SC INF 110 (★2) Fondements du succès en soins infirmiers

SOCIE 100 (★3) Introduction à la sociologie

PHYSE 152A (★3) Physiologie

ANGL 126 (★3) Exploring Writing Studies

NURS 125 (★4) Nursing Practice - Health Assessment & Nursing Process

PSYCE 106 (★3) Principes psychologiques pour les infirmières

PHYSE 152B (★3) Physiologie

STATQ 151 (★3) Introduction à la statistique appliquée I

FRANC 232 (★3) Techniques de rédaction OR ANGL (★3) OR Elective (★3) (see Note 1)


SC INF 205 (★3) L'innovation, la réflexion, et le leadership dans le contexte des systèmes

SC INF 223 (★6) Les fondations des sciences infirmières I/II

SC INF 221 (★6) Introduction à la pratique infirmière

NURS 216A (★3) Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II (part A)

SC INF 301 (★3) Recherche en sciences infirmières

NURS 216B (★3) Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II (part B)

NURS 224 (★3) Foundations of Nursing III

NURS 225 (★6) Introductory Acute Care Nursing Practice II

SCSOC 222 (★3) Santé des Autochtones et conceptions du bien-vivre

YEAR 3 (See Notes 3, 4, and 5)

NURS 323 (★6) Community Nursing through the Lifespan

NURS 321 (★6) Advanced Acute Care Nursing Practice I

SC PO 320 (★3) La politique du système de santé au Canada (see Note 6 - SC INF 300 no longer offered)

SC INF 327 (★6) Santé Mentale et bien-être en soins infirmiers

NURS 325 (★6) Advanced Acute Care Nursing Practice II

NURS 400 (★3) Leadership in Nursing & Interprofessional Practice

YEAR 4 (see Notes 3, 4 and 8)

NURS 485 (★12) Nursing Practice in a Focused Area (See Note 9)

PHILE 386 (★3) La bioéthique (see Note 6 - SC INF 422 no longer offered)

SC INF 425 (★9) Le leadership en sciences infirmières dans un domaine spécifique

INT D 420 (★3)
Perspectives on Inclusive and Global Health