Students with Disabilities

The Faculty of Nursing supports the principle of accommodation for students in nursing programs. In collaboration with Accessibility Resources, the Faculty of Nursing endeavours to accommodate students with disabilities. Accessibility Resources serves prospective and current students at the 海角社区, whose disabilities involve any number of conditions affecting mobility, vision, hearing, learning, and physical or mental health. If you have any of these disabilities, the Faculty of Nursing will work cooperatively with Accessibility Resources to determine if the support you require can be accommodated in your nursing program.

Prospective students who require learning support or assistance for physical or learning disabilities are strongly encouraged to consult with Accessibility Resources prior to starting their nursing program. It is essential that students with disabilities requiring accommodation allow the Faculty of Nursing adequate time to put services in place. When accommodations are required in clinical placements the clinical placement site must agree to the accommodations requested. The accommodation required by the student cannot cause undue hardship to the Faculty of Nursing and must be approved by the Faculty of Nursing's Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs.

Review the mandate and services provided by Accessibility Resources