This is Public Health Lecture series

What is public health?

It’s the health system that cares for you. It’s sustainable water and sanitation systems. It’s policies that create healthy environments. It’s harm reduction for those at risk. And so much more.

Join us for the next This is Public Health™ free public lecture to understand how public health touches your life every day to protect and improve your health.

Panel discussion: Past, Present and Future of Public Health

With panelists Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Don Juzwishin and Geraldine Cahill

Nov. 19 | 11:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. | Lister Conference Centre

Student Poster Presentations: Evidence to Practice

Nov. 19 | 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. | Lister Conference Centre

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Previous This is Public Health Lectures


An inclusive economic approach to ending poverty

COVID-19 has disproportionately hurt many individuals and families, but it has also offered unprecedented opportunities to support families and children through long-term structural changes. EndPovertyEdmonton (EPE) plays a key role as a convening body that works with various partners to close the gaps that exist and contribute to an economy that works for all.

Join us to discover what happens when two things that have traditionally been considered separate issues: economic development and poverty elimination, are deliberately brought together.

This event is part of the Issues & Impacts Series, Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families.


Water: Giver of life and death

Canadians are not immune to the potential dangers in our drinking water.

New research suggests that water-borne pathogens may be evolving resistance to the very treatment processes we use to make water safe. Remarkably, these microbes are also resistant to antibiotics. 

Could our global efforts to provide safe, secure water be inadvertently creating nature’s greatest superbug? 

Lecture by Vice-Dean and Professor

   What you need to know about water right now

Aligning values: What matters for health

Aligning Values: What Matters for Health

As users of the health system, we expect treatments and care be delivered with dignity, respect and compassion.

But what happens when the system doesn’t meet the diverse physical and cultural needs of patients, their caregivers and families?

People fall through the cracks.

Lecture by Associate Professor Stephanie Montesanti.

  Primary health care

Hot planet, cool heads: Health in a changing climate

Hot planet, cool heads: Health in a changing climate

Climate change is a complex issue. It may feel overwhelming, abstract or maybe like it isn't even your problem at all. The truth is, we are all impacted.

How will this global crisis affect you?

Lecture by Associate Professor Sherilee Harper.

Food security and health Climate change: A public health issue

How {income, race, where you live} affects your health

How [income / race / where you live] affects your health

There are many things that determine your health, including social factors. Your income and education levels, your race and the strength of your relationships, for example, all have an effect.

Closing the gap between the most privileged and most disadvantaged is more than a matter of health equity. It's a matter of social justice.

Lecture by Assistant Professor Roman Pabayo.

Income inequality 3 things that make you sick

Worldwide killers: Public health responds

Worldwide killers | Public health responds

2018 marked the 100th anniversary of the 1918 influenza pandemic that infected one-third of the world's population and left approximately 50 million dead in its wake. It is one of the deadliest disease outbreaks in recorded history.

A century later, what have we learned? And could this happen again?

Lecture by Assistant Professor Stephanie Yanow.

Q & A Infographic Flu Shot

Sleeping soundly: Why catching zzz's matters for kids

Sleeping soundly | Why catching Zzz's matters for kids

Sleep is a pillar of child health and wellbeing. And yet, many Canadian children are sleep deprived. Can promoting healthy behaviours at school translate to sleeping soundly at home?

Lecture by Assistant Professor Kate Storey.

Sleep tips Promoting sleep Infographic

Legalizing cannabis: Clearing the smoke

Legalizing Cannabis | Clearing the smoke

Canada is poised to pass the Cannabis Act. But, is it just about providing legal access to the drug?

Lecture by Assistant Professor Elaine Hyshka.

Old MacDonald had a farm injury

Old MacDonald had a farm injury

It is the fourth most hazardous industry in Canada for injury. And when it comes to fatality rates, there is no profession more dangerous. Why, then, aren't farm workers fairly and equitably protected by legislation in their workplace?

Lecture by Professor Don Voaklander.

10 things to know about addictions

10 things to know about addictions

Addictions affect one in five Albertan adults. They involve alcohol, gambling, prescription drugs and other substances. How should communities respond, and how is our health system handling the problems?

Lecture by Professor Cameron Wild.

Dying in childbirth: Delivering solutions for mothers around the globe

Dying in childbirth | Delivering solutions for mothers around the globe

Every day nearly 800 women die from childbirth around the globe. This is about the same as four full Boeing 767's crashing per day. Of these women, 99 per cent are from developing nations.

Lecture by Associate Professor Zubia Mumtaz.

The water revolution: Reimagining our water system

The water revolution | Reimagining our water system

Researcher Nicholas Ashbolt is working on ways to keep our water safe by reimagining how we use and reuse water, he is protecting the health and well-being of those living in our communities.