
This page contains webinars presented by Centre for Healthy Communities staff, scientists, and other affiliates. The webinars focus on different aspects of healthy communities and showcase key findings and highlights from Centre-led initiatives and partnered initiatives as well as work from Centre scientists and practice affiliates.

Café Scientifique: Driving Multi-Level Action to Improve Financial Wellbeing Panelists: Dr. Lisa Allen Scott, Teree Hokanson, Karina Hurtado, Dr. Candace Nykiforuk and Pamela Spurvey. April 30, 2024

Webinar and Panel Discussion: Health Benefits, Strategies, and Examples to Help Strengthen Social Cohesion in Alberta presented by Luc Sauze. Panelists: Tammy Horne, Birgitta Larsson, Roman Pabayo, and Sharlene Wolbeck Minke. April 23, 2024

Introduction to Health Equity and the Centre for Healthy Communities Health Equity Datasets Inventory presented by Jo Lin Chew and Roman Pabayo, January 12, 2022

Making Your Mark: Careers that Promote Environmental Health presented by Melissa Gorman and Jade Yehia, October 6, 2021

presented by Dr. Elaine Hyshka (Centre for Healthy Communities Scientist) and Dr. Cam Wild, June 18, 2020.

presented by Dr. Nicole Glenn (Senior Research Associate, Centre for Healthy Communities), May 27, 2020.

presented by Dr. Kate Storey (Centre for Healthy Communities Scientist and Healthy School Communities thematic area lead), May 20, 2020.

presented by Dr. Candace Nykiforuk (Director, Centre for Healthy Communities) and Dr. Nicole Glenn (Senior Research Associate, Centre for Healthy Communities), May 21, 2020.

 presented by Dr. Kim Raine (Centre for Healthy Communities Scientist), April 22, 2020.

presented by Les Hagen, Executive Director, Action on Smoking & Health (Centre for Healthy Communities Practice Affiliate), April 8, 2020.

presented by Les Hagen, Executive Director, Action on Smoking & Health (Centre for Healthy Communities Practice Affiliate), April 11, 2019.