Diagnostic Imaging for MSK Disorders in Primary Care

x-ray image of knee

Course Series Description

These non-credit courses focus on the safe and appropriate usage of diagnostic imaging for the management of common musculoskeletal conditions seen in primary care settings.  More specifically, this course will provide the knowledge and clinical decision-making skills required to effectively utilize conventional radiography, CT Scan, MRI and Diagnostic ultrasound. Emphasis is placed on using clinical practice guidelines to make appropriate, timely and judicious referrals for diagnostic imaging and how to use the Radiologist’s report to make appropriate patient care decisions. This course does not focus on the interpretation and reading of images.

The course includes three self-paced online modules. Each module is six to  seven weeks in length. Module 1 is a prerequisite for modules 2 and 3.

Upon successful completion of each module, participants will be issued a faculty digital certificate noting the number of educational hours.

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Who is this course for?

  • Physical Therapists seeking authorization to order DI in Alberta
  • Physical Therapists across Canada and beyond
  • Family Physicians
  • Nurse Practitioners

Course Modules

EXFRM 2700 DI for MSK Disorders in Primary Care I - Basic Principles and Clinical Decision Making

This module describes the physical principles, safety, limitations and potential benefits of conventional radiographs, CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging and diagnostic ultrasound. It also presents a clinical decision-making framework that incorporates the use of evidence-based point-of-care decision-making tools when considering if imaging is indicated. 

Prerequisites: None, 6 weeks

EXFRM 2701 DI for MSK Disorders in Primary Care II - Imaging of the Lumbar Spine and Lower Extremity

This module focuses on the clinical decision making skills to make appropriate referrals and utilization diagnostic imaging for musculoskeletal disorders of the lumbar spine, hip, knee, ankle and foot. It discusses how to determine if imaging is indicated and how to select the most appropriate imaging modality when imaging is indicated. It also touches upon the information required to make a clear referral including the type of diagnostic imaging, the views requested, the reason for the imaging, and any other relevant clinical information. 

Prerequisites: Part 1, 7 weeks

EXFRM 2702 Diagnostic Imaging for MSK Disorders in Primary Care III - Imaging of the Cervical Spine and Upper Extremity

This module focuses on the clinical decision-making skills to make appropriate referrals and utilization diagnostic imaging for musculoskeletal disorders of the cervical spine, shoulder, elbow, wrist and the hand. It discusses how to determine if imaging is indicated and how to select the most appropriate imaging modality when imaging is indicated. It also touches upon the information required to make a clear referral including the type of diagnostic imaging, the views requested, the reason for the imaging, and any other relevant clinical information. 

Prerequisites: Part 2, 7 weeks

*You must complete EXFRM 2700, 2701, 2702 to register to take the Summative Exam (EXFRM 2704).

EXFRM 2704 Summative Exam

This is a comprehensive summative exam that tests the knowledge and clinical reasoning covered in all three parts of the course - “Diagnostic Imaging for Musculoskeletal Imaging in Primary Care.” The summative examination is an additional requirement for physiotherapists in Alberta who wish to apply to the College of Physiotherapists of Alberta for the authorization to order diagnostic imaging. Successful completion of all three parts of the course plus the summative examination meet the educational requirements of the College of Physiotherapists of Alberta.

Prerequisites: Completion of EXFRM 2700, 2701 and 2702

Course Offerings

2025 WINTER/SPRING Course Series

  • EXFRM 2702 - May 5 - June 20, 2025
  • EXFRM 2704 - June 25, 2025

You must complete EXFRM 2700, 2701, 2702 to register to take the Summative Exam (EXFRM 2704).

2025 FALL 2025/WINTER 2026 Course Series

  • EXFRM 2700 - September 8 - October 17, 2025
  • EXFRM 2701 - November 3 - December 19, 2025
  • EXFRM 2702 - January 5 - February 20, 2026
  • EXFRM 2704 - March 6, 2026

There are no grades for this course. Instead, students receive a complete or incomplete score based on satisfactory completion of the course. To successfully complete the course students are required to work through all learning activities and achieve 60% on all the knowledge check quizzes at the end of each module. Students are given unlimited quiz attempts and can challenge these at any time throughout the course.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course clinicians will:

  1. Understand the use of diagnostic imaging for common musculoskeletal conditions.
  2. Understand the physics, principles, risks, and benefits of diagnostic imaging.
  3. Make judicious and evidence-informed decisions on when to use imaging.
  4. Select the most appropriate imaging modality for the clinical situation.
  5. Understand how to consult and make a referral to a radiologist.
  6. Use the radiology report findings to make appropriate patient care decisions.
  7. Know their professional responsibilities when referring and acting upon the results of imaging studies.

When are the class times?

Each module includes four learning modules delivered asynchronously over a seven-week time frame. There are no set class times so students can work through the learning modules at their own time, location and pace. The modules are set up to be completed weekly but students may complete the course anytime within the seven-week timeframe. 

How much time commitment is required?

The amount of time you will need to spend may vary depending on your prior knowledge of diagnostic imaging. Regardless, students need to determine for themselves the appropriate amount of time to spend on course materials. The traditional view is that for every one hour of “in-class” time, students need to spend between 1-3 hours on “out of class” work. If this were a face-to-face course, students would meet face-to-face for 3 hours per week over 6 weeks. Adding the 1-3 hours of “out of class time”, we anticipate that students should be spending a minimum of between 6-12 hours per week on this course. 

How is the course set up so I know what is expected? 

The course has been set up so you know what is required each week. The posted content includes a weekly self-study guide, online lectures or learning activities and a knowledge check.  Students can work through these materials at their own time and pace but are fully responsible for keeping up and meeting all the evaluation requirements.

Course Facilitator

Iain Muir, Associate Teaching Professor, Faculty of Rehabilitation - Physical Therapy

Authorization to Order DI in Alberta

Physical Therapists, working in Alberta who are on the General Register, may wish to apply for authorization to order diagnostic imaging. Please review the information provided by Physiotherapy Alberta on the

Please note that successful completion of the 3 DI Courses (EXFRM 2700, 2701 and 2702) plus a comprehensive summative Exam are acceptable as the educational requirement for application (these courses + exam are considered equivalent to the formerly offered REHAB 570 course). If you would like to pursue the requirements, you will have the opportunity to complete a summative exam. There will be a $75 Exam fee.


Upon successful completion of each module participants will be issued a faculty digital certificate noting the number of educational hours. 

How to Apply

DI in Primary Care I applicants begin the process by completing a brief dept consent form once submitted you will be contacted by email and provided with instructions on how to register/make payment for your course through .

Registrants will be issued UofA CCIDs and are able to obtain a 海角社区 non-credit transcript upon course completion.

If you have questions please contact sdrefs@ualberta.ca

Course Cost + Fee Payment

Fee payment is through the 海角社区 beartracks system and will be charged once you register for the course through beartracks.

  • DI in Primary Care I course fee - $300 (plus GST)
  • DI in Primary Care II course fee - $300 (plus GST)
  • DI in Primary Care III course fee - $300 (plus GST)
  • Summative Exam fee - $75 (plus GST)

You must complete EXFRM 2700, 2701, 2702 to register to take the Summative Exam (EXFRM 2704).