Critical Thinking, Clinical Reasoning + Application in Canadian OT

Woman sitting at laptop smiling

Course Description

This course will support internationally educated Occupational Therapists (OTs) to better understand clinical reasoning within the Canadian Practice context. The Canadian Occupational Therapy Inter-Relational Practice Process (COTIPP) Framework will inform the approach to the clinical and practice scenarios presented in the course. The clients in practice scenarios represent various life stages, practice areas, cultural backgrounds, resembling clinical practice. The case studies address a variety of occupational participation in various domains. Following adult learning principles, the course participant is expected to actively build upon their knowledge and experience, through the case studies presented. Participants are encouraged to complete additional studies to supplement the course material.

Course Goals

OTPC overarching learning objective:

Implement the Collaborative Relationship- Focused Occupational Therapy as the foundation for clinical practice demonstrated through simulated scenarios, inclusive of:

  • Explores and builds on the client's strengths.
  • Understands how the clients’ and own background, experiences, norms, values, strengths and limitations shape their ability to participate and engage in occupational performance.
  • Recognizes barriers to occupational participation and engagement.
  • Recognizes influences of micro, meso and macro environment levels.


To register for this course a referral by the ACOTRO Substantial Equivalency Assessment System (SEAS) Determination Committee is required.

Course offerings

Now accepting applications for the next course running March 31 - June 27, 2025.

More Information

How to Apply

Please apply then proceed to make payment at:

$1500 course fee. 

A 100% refund of the online course fee is available to participants who withdraw before the first day of the course.

Time Commitment
Participants can expect to spend approximately 10-12 hours per week on the course.  This may vary depending on the individual.

The online course content is delivered both asynchronously (meaning there is no requirement to be online at a specific class date and time) and synchronously (meaning you must be present to participate at certain dates and times).  Content is accessible twenty four (24) hours-a-day from any location with an internet connection.


There are no grades for this course. Instead, students receive a complete or incomplete score based on satisfactory completion of the course.

Technical Requirements

The following requirements are recommended:

  • Access to a computer or mobile device with a high‐speed internet connection.
  • Google Chrome or Firefox browsers.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all technical requirements for online participation are met and functioning before the course starts.


Upon successful completion of each module participants will be issued a faculty digital certificate noting the number of educational hours.


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