Lymphedema + Chronic Edema Management
This series of educational modules presents an in-depth, expert-facilitated overview of key topics in lymphedema and chronic edema management across practice settings from pediatrics to elder care. This course consists of four modules covering the following clinically relevant topics:
- (Module 1) differential diagnosis and complex measurements in lymphedema.
- (Module 2) lymphedema across the lifespan, with consideration of the quality of life and patient-centred care.
- (Module 3) research and advanced treatment approaches.
- (Module 4) application through case scenarios.
This professional learning course offers a high-quality educational experience for healthcare professionals working in Canada and abroad.
Contribution to Lymphedema and Edema Education: This course is being offered as an introduction for any generalist healthcare clinicians who may see individuals experiencing lymphedema or chronic edema. This course will provide learners with a comprehensive overview of the complex aspects of lymphedema and chronic edema and present clinical management approaches for these conditions.
Topics covered in depth: the lymphatic system, emergent research and practice including surgery, other types of measures, and case studies from pediatrics to end-of-life care. Also included are expert presentations, including insight into how they formulate assessment and intervention plans.
This course sets the framework for hands-on courses and clinical practice. This professional education course does not replace nor does it serve as a CLT certification course.
Instruction and Module Design: This online course includes four learning modules delivered asynchronously over a six-week time frame. Learners work through the modules at their own pace. Modules include knowledge checks and tailored learning activities to ensure that learning goals are being met throughout the course
Guest Lectures: Participants will have the opportunity to learn from well-known experts including Dr. Stanley Rockson, Dr. Margie McNeely, Dr. Melissa Aldrich, Dr. David Keast, Dr. Anna Towers, Dr. Catherine McCuaig, Dr. Vaughan Keeley, Dr. Siba Haykal, Dr. Elizabeth Dylke, Ms. Heather Watt, and Ms. Mona Al Onazi.
Course Hours
The course is approximately 1 credit equivalent (13 content hours). However, you should expect to spend somewhere between 18-35 total hours on the course (varies depending on the individual). We do equate the course on the high end of that and 35 educational hours appear on the digital certificates that are issued after course completion
Upcoming course offerings:
- September 22 - October 31, 2025
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Participant comments
This course provided a holistic foundation of knowledge about lymphedema across the lifespan that exceeded my expectations. The presentations were thoughtful and well curated, with experts from various areas of care across Canada and internationally. The perspectives shared caused me to think critically and compassionately about the impact lymphedema has on individuals and communities and how I can make a difference as a health care provider.By the end of this course, the student will be able to:
- Understand the complex issues associated with lymphedema management, such as differential diagnoses, quality of life, and challenges to maintaining stable volumes.
- Understand the current status of investigation and treatment, as well as the upcoming steps in surgical interventions and research progress.
Specific Learning objectives:
- Differentiate between types of edema, explain different measurements for lymphedema/chronic edema, and be more familiar with the quality of life considerations associated with chronic edema.
- Appreciate the timeline of lymphedema, the impacts of lymphedema at major stages in life (pediatric, adolescent, adult, geriatric), and have more awareness of the comorbid issues that may impact individuals with lymphedema in different age brackets.
- Approach lymphedema care from a person-centred perspective.
- Understand current practice and advanced research, clinical, and surgical interventions in lymphedema management from a Canadian perspective
There are no scheduled class times for this 6-week, self-paced course. Learners will work through a series of modules that include presentations by experts in lymphedema care and associated learning activities. Self-directed online learning provides flexibility but also requires organization and time management on the part of the learner.
How much time commitment is required?
The full course offers approximately 12 hours of instructional time. Learners should allow 2-3 hours to complete each module however depending on prior experience with lymphedema and comfort levels with online learning, this timing may vary.
How is the course set up so I know what is expected?
The course is offered on the 海角社区’s eClass learning platform. The course website is organized with module content and learning activities posted by module for easy navigation. Learners will work through the modules in order by reviewing the recorded expert lectures and completing the associated learning activities. Learners are also asked for their feedback through a short survey after each module. To receive a certificate of completion for the course, learners must view all content and complete all associated learning activities in the course.
Learners receive a complete or incomplete final course status, based on satisfactory completion of the course. To successfully complete the course students are required to work through all learning activities and pass all the knowledge check quizzes. Students are given unlimited quiz attempts and can challenge these at any time through the course.
Mona Al Onazi is a doctoral candidate in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the 海角社区. Mona is a certified Physical therapist (BSc PT) and certified lymphatic therapist (CLT).
Upon completion participants will be issued a faculty digital certificate noting the number of educational hours.
To apply please complete and submit the application then proceed to pay the $350 course fee to confirm your registration.
A 100% refund of the $350 course fee is available to students who withdraw before the first day of the course. Withdrawal requests during the first 3 weeks of the course will be refunded 50% of the registration fee. After 3 weeks (mid-point of the course) no refund will be provided.
Brought to you through the collaboration of the 海角社区’s Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Professional Education, the and the support of a Accelerate Fellowship.
This course received educational grants from essity and Juzo.