Online Mastering Multiple Choice Exam Course
"I feel so glad to announce that I passed my written component with an outstanding score in very first trial. It was my pleasure to enroll in this program where I learned so many things. The orientation about the exam pattern, and very importantly, sample questions for different areas of practice made concepts very clear and concise with how I should read and what could be the pattern of scenario based questions, vignettes, and stand-alone questions in general. This played very important role in my success."
Vinod Ravaliya - Mastering Multiple Choice Exam participant
We are now accepting registrations for rolling enrollment. This means that you have 3 weeks access to the course content from the date you are added.
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To register for the Mastering the Multiple Choice Exam course:
Step 1:
Step 2: Once you submit payment you will be contacted via email with instructions on how to set up your course login
Step 3: Once you complete the steps outlined in the login setup contact and request access to the course.
All fees must be paid in full before participants are provided access to the course.
Because this is a not-for-credit course there is no official tax receipt. However, you will receive an automatically generated receipt once payment is made and which may be used for tax purposes.
This online course allows students to develop strategies for studying for and writing a Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) examination. This course is designed for Internationally or Canadian-educated physical therapists who are preparing for writing MCQ exams, including the written (Qualifying) component of the Canadian Alliance National Physiotherapy Competency Exam.
Prerequisite: none
This is a non-credit course and is offered only as professional development.
The course includes several self-paced modules that are completed before a practice MCQ Physiotherapy Examination. All modules and the exam are completed online (no attendance required). Students will receive feedback on study plans and their performance in the practice exam. Note: This course does not provide a general review of physiotherapy practice.
Register for this course by paying the $200 course fee. Email to confirm.
The cost for this course is $200 CAD.
By the end of this course the student will:
- Understand the basics of MCQs and MCQ exams.
- Establish a study schedule and exam plan for the National PCE Qualifying Exam.
- Complete a practice PCE MCQ exam using the strategies covered in this course.
- Viewing pre-recorded online lectures.
- Self-directed learning activities There are self-directed learning activities included in each module. In modules 3 (Preparing for Multiple Choice Exams) and 6 (Creating your Exam Plan), the learning activities should be submitted for feedback from the instructor.
- A practice PCE exam This exam is similar to the format of the PCE Written (Qualifying) Exam. It includes 100 MCQ to be completed in 2 hours. Students can start the exam anytime between 8:00 and 14:00 (Mountain time zone) near the end of each course. Once a student opens the exam, it will stay open for 2 hours. Leaving and returning to the exam will not be allowed.
- During the week following the exam, students will receive a report about their exam performance. Exam review presentations will also be available.
- Understanding Multiple Choice Questions
- e.g. understanding MC questions/exams, question types, scenario questions
- Preparing for Multiple Choice Exams
- e.g. How to study for PCE, When to study for PCE 2, Make your own PCE study schedule
- Taking Multiple Choice Exams
- e.g. Taking MC exams, writing exams on a computer, managing the exam, interpreting MC questions, what you need to know about PCE
- Self-Care Exam Performance
- e.g. Exam performance, how to manage exam anxiety, strategies
- Creating your Exam Plan
- e.g. creating your exam plan, why plan for exam, how to create an exam plan, create your own plan for PCE
- Your Practice PCE
- MCQ exam skills practice exam
The student is responsible for ensuring all technical requirements for online participation are met and functioning before the course starts. To participate in the online content, the student must have the following minimum requirements:
- Access to a computer or mobile device with a high‐speed internet connection.
- An internet browser (e.g. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome).
- You should download the latest versions of Adobe Reader, Quicktime, Flash and Java.
- Lectures are provided in an HTML5 format and should be playable on most browsers and mobile devices without installing Flash.
The course website will be open for three weeks after the course start date. The Mastering the MCQ Exam course is delivered using a distance format via eClass (The 海角社区's online learning platform). The course consists of six (6) learning modules and a practice MCQ physiotherapy exam.
All content is delivered asynchronously meaning there is no requirement to be online at a specific class date and time. The learning modules are self-paced. Each student completes the modules on their own, before the practice exam which is scheduled near the end of each course. Content is accessible twenty-four (24) hours a day from any location with an internet connection.
Each module consists of online lectures and a self‐directed learning activity. Students are fully responsible for completing learning activities and regularly checking the course eClass website for updates or announcements.
Shawn Drefs
Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
Corbett Hall, 3-48N
Edmonton, AB
Phone: 780-492-1587