Wellness Alert System

Report your symptoms and keep your community healthy. From a simple cold to a week-long flu, submitting your symptoms can help in detecting any rising trends. Let’s work together to keep the community healthy.

The Wellness Alert System is fast, easy and strictly confidential. All personal information is only available to medical professionals at the University Health Centre. Data collected by the tracking system is used to estimate the number of people unwell in each residence community and identify concerns early.

Wellness Alert is not intended as a tool for medical treatment. If you are concerned about your symptoms, visit or call Health Link (811). In case of an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency clinic or hospital.

Guidelines for when you are sick

  • Rest in your room until symptoms have disappeared, unless travelling to the nearest washroom.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water, especially after visiting the washroom or before handling food. If you aren’t near a sink, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Wash or sanitize your hands after touching high-contact surfaces, such as door knobs, light switches, elevator buttons, self-serve food items, etc.
  • If you are well enough to eat in the dining hall, sit away from others.
  • Stay hydrated with lots of liquids (e.g. water, clear broth, Powerade, etc.)
  • Don’t share personal items with others.
  • When you begin to feel better, launder your clothing and sheets and get a new toothbrush. Some germs can live in fabric and reinfect you, keeping you sick longer!

Suspect a food-borne illness?

Dining Services takes concerns of food-borne illness extremely seriously. In addition to filling out the Wellness Alert, you can also provide information to Dining Services through the so they can investigate further.

There are steps you must take if you miss an exam or important term work due to an illness. Learn what to do if you are sick »