Extended Absence from Residence

If you plan to be away from residence for an extended period of time, you must inform Residence Services as it helps in planning for an emergency situation. An extended absence is one week or more if you live alone or four days or more if you have roommates.

You can complete an Extended Absence Form by logging into your .


Your room

  • Close your windows to avoid frozen pipes or any other damage.
    Residence Services will enter your unit if they need to close any windows during your absence. If fees or repair costs are incurred from the window being left open, you may be held responsible.
  • Unplug your alarm clock and any other electronics (except the refrigerator).
  • Empty your garbage and dispose of any perishable food.
  • Turn off the lights.
  • Lock your door.

Common areas (if applicable)

  • Ensure that no personal belongings are left in the lounge, kitchens, laundry or washrooms.
  • Clean and properly store all personal dishes in the kitchen.
  • Clean up all recycling (paper, cardboard, bottles, cans).
  • Dispose of or remove all perishable food.
  • Turn off the stove/oven.
  • Close all windows.
  • Turn off all lights.

Shared units

  • Ensure that common areas are clean, tidy and organized with space available in cupboards, drawers, closets and the refrigerator so everyone has space for their belongings.
  • Encourage roommates who are moving out to remove their furniture and personal items from the common spaces. Please remove any items left behind, as storage space in common areas is intended for current residents only.