Rights + Responsibilities

The Residence Community Standards Policy outlines residents’ rights and responsibilities as well as Residence Services’ responsibilities. The policy also outlines the resolution processes for using restorative practices in responding to cases of negative, disruptive or inappropriate behaviour in residence.



Students living in residence at the university have the right to:

  • Be treated with dignity and respect

Students living in residence at the university have the responsibility to:

  • Treat other residents and staff members with dignity and respect, including in virtual environments


Students living in residence at the university have the right to:

  • A safe, secure environment, whether in private, shared, common or public space

Students living in residence at the university have the responsibility to:

  • Follow all safety procedures and contribute to maintaining a safe environment, and report any unsafe behaviour or conditions
  • Only use alcohol and other substances in a manner consistent with legislation, University policies, and the health and safety of themselves and others

Pursuit of academic goals

Students living in residence at the university have the right to:

  • Pursue their academic goals, in accordance with the university’s academic mission

Students living in residence at the university have the responsibility to:

  • Foster a community in which all residents are free to pursue their academic goals, in accordance with the university’s academic mission

Inclusive Environment

Students living in residence at the university have the right to:

  • A living environment free from threats, fear, intimidation, discrimination, bullying, harassment or abuse

Students living in residence at the university have the responsibility to:

  • Work together toward an inclusive environment that acknowledges the existence of and harms caused by racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, ableism or any other form of oppression, and an environment in which all members of the residence community are able to participate meaningfully in social, academic, and other activities

Learning, Study and Expression

Students living in residence at the university have the right to:

  • Learn, study, and express beliefs, opinions and values, while respecting the safety, security, and dignity of other community members

Students living in residence at the university have the responsibility to:

  • Respect the rights of others to their beliefs, values and opinions


Students living in residence at the university have the right to:

  • To celebrate their intersecting identities and expressions, such as cultural, gender, sexual, and religious identity and expression

Students living in residence at the university have the responsibility to:

  • Foster a community where diversity is respected and valued


Students living in residence at the university have the right to:

  • Access support staff and services available from Residence Services and the 海角社区 designed to support physical and/or mental health and wellness

Students living in residence at the university have the responsibility to:

  • Manage their health and wellness and contribute to an environment that supports health and wellness

Participation in resolutions

Students living in residence at the university have the right to:

  • Communicate concerns to their peers, neighbours, roommates, Residence Life staff, or other university officials

Students living in residence at the university have the responsibility to:

  • Be respectful when communicating concerns to peers, neighbours, roommates, and staff, and participate constructively when engaging in conflict resolution;
  • Respect and abide by any formal or informal agreements made with other residents, Residence Life staff or student staff

Equal access

Students living in residence at the university have the right to:

  • Enjoy the social benefits of living in a residence community and equal access to common areas and their contents

Students living in residence at the university have the responsibility to:

  • Share common spaces with other residents and refrain from monopolizing a communal space

Privacy and security

Students living in residence at the university have the right to:

  • Reasonable privacy and control of their private living space, within the limits of the Residence Agreement

Students living in residence at the university have the responsibility to:

  • Take necessary means to maintain the security of the residence community including upholding the integrity of entry points to their residence, securing their valuables, and reporting suspicious activity promptly to the appropriate authorities

Respected property

Students living in residence at the university have the right to:

  • Have their personal property and possessions respected

Students living in residence at the university have the responsibility to:

  • Respect the property of other residents and of the university

Freedom from pressure

Students living in residence at the university have the right to:

  • Be free from pressure to do anything unsafe, or anything that violates this policy, including their own rights and the rights of another

Students living in residence at the university have the responsibility to:

  • Refrain from acting in a way that pressures others to be present with or take part in any acts that may make them uncomfortable, feel unsafe, or violate their rights under this policy

Noise and house rules

Students living in residence at the university have the right to:

  • An environment with noise levels conducive to academic pursuits, according to the guidelines established for each university residence community

Students living in residence at the university have the responsibility to:

  • Abide by the House Rules for their community (for example, French Language at Résidence Saint-Jean, the Global Education program at International House, cohort and theme communities, noise designations, or cleanliness expectations)


Students living in residence at the university have the right to:

  • A living space that is clean and kept in good condition

Students living in residence at the university have the responsibility to:

  • Assist in the upkeep of common areas by promptly cleaning up, using appropriate organics, recycling and waste receptacles, and by reporting facilities or equipment that are broken or dirty
  • Keep all private living spaces clean and in good condition

House rules

House rules are in place for each residence building that outline day-to-day expectations that promote a respectful coexistence between everyone in the community.


Ensure your guests know the rights and responsibilities as you will be held accountable should their actions cause harm to an individual or the community.

Positive action

If you anticipate or observe a violation of the rights and responsibilities, you are encouraged to act to prevent or reduce harm to the community.

  • Discourage or prevent the violation
  • Remove yourself from participating
  • Bring the matter to the attention of a staff member


Residence Services has responsibility to:

  • Foster a safe, secure and healthy environment conducive to academic success;
  • Strive to provide an environment attentive to, and that addresses, barriers to inclusion, access, and success;
  • Work together with residents towards an inclusive environment that acknowledges the existence of and harms caused by racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, ableism or any other form of oppression, and an environment in which all members of the residence community are able to participate meaningfully in social, academic, and other activities
  • Provide students with information and resources on restorative practices, residence policies, and University resources;
  • Initiate the procedures associated with this policy;
  • Uphold the Residence Agreement signed by the resident;
  • Investigate allegations of behaviour violating this policy, the House Rules, or Residence Agreement in conjunction with 海角社区 Protective Services, where appropriate; and
  • Initiate charges under the Code of Student Behaviour or refer to 海角社区 Protective Services for charges under the Code of Student Behaviour where appropriate.
    Visit the House Rules (Jump link to Community Expectations page)