MA-PS Practicum
Graduate students in the Department of Political Science have a broad conception of the policy community, expanding beyond federal, provincial, and municipal levels to include Indigenous organizations, and the private and non-profit sectors.
We are grateful to our partners for your continued support and we are always interested in engaging with new partners that are interested in connecting with our students or learning more about our program.
There are a variety of ways that 海角社区 alumni or other policy professionals can support the program and engage with our students.
Hire a Student:
Hire a MA Policy Studies Practicum (MA-PS) student
There are many benefits to hiring a MA-PS student. Our students:
- Have a broad understanding of the public sector and familiarity with a variety of policy approaches and research methodologies
- Are trained to conduct leading research in public policy and to advance the development and implementation of informed policy solutions throughout, across and beyond government systems
- Are engaged in experiential learning that includes learning from policy practitioners, working with real-world policy case studies and developing professional skills such as business communication, critical thinking, research methods, project planning, change leadership and teamwork
- In alignment with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action, all students are required to take a course on Indigenous Engagement, Governance and Policy
Requirements for Employers
- All positions must be paid and between 4 to 6 months.
- Typically practicum positions run from May - October each year, however there is some flexibility in duration and start dates for practicum positions
- Provide mentorship for the students, complete a mid-point and final check in as well as sign off on total research hours completed by the student
Hire a MA-PS Practicum Student
If you are interested in hiring a student from the MA-PS Practicum program, please contact Laura Kerslake, Career Development & Work-Integrated Learning Officer at express an interest or to be a Community Partner with the Department of Political Science.
Mentor a Student:
About the Political Science Graduate Student Mentorship Program
Modeled on the 海角社区 Career Mentoring Program, the Political Science Graduate Student Mentorship Program pairs students with community-based professionals to help them develop the skills, competencies, and networks required to transition into the next stage of their careers. The 12-month program runs for a calendar year, starting in January. Mentees and mentors are provided with an orientation/training session at the outset of the experience, and the Department conducts periodic check-ins with each pair to determine the types of supports they need over the course of the year.
To become a Mentor as part of the Political Science Graduate Student Mentorship Program please sign up . If you would like more information or have any questions, please contact Laura Kerslake, Career Development & Work-Integrated Learning Officer at