Program Options
Here is a suggested recruitment schedule based on student availability:
Requirements for Work Terms:
All positions must:
- Be full-time hours (min 30 hours per week maximum 40 hours per week), and a consecutive of four, eight, 12 or 16 months in duration. It is possible to extend the duration, but the work term cannot exceed 16 months as per university policy.
- Paid at industry standard rates. Must be at least . If you are unsure how to determine the rates of pay, please contact us.
- Be in a professional workplace setting
- Provide a supervisor or mentor who oversees the student's work and provides regular feedback to allow the student to learn and grow throughout their term.
- Complete a mid-term and final evaluation with the student as well as a site visit (in person, via phone or video chat) approximately 4-6 weeks into the work term.
Responsibilities of the Employer:
Your responsibilities are generally no different than they would be when hiring any temporary employee, with the added benefit of a campus contact from the Faculty of Arts. AWE staff will informally monitor work experience student progress and do a follow-up site visit with the supervisor once during each work term. There is a mentorship component to the program and AWE students and their supervisors are asked to identify learning objectives to be worked on throughout their work term.
Contact Us
Arts Career Centre
1-17 Humanities Centre (HC)
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Closed (noon - 1 p.m.) Wednesday open at 10 a.m.